Christmas Special

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I hummed a little tune under my breath as I finished the last batch of cinnamon cookies I was making for the Christmas party for the family. Papa was coming and so were Mitsuki and Masaru. I think Papa was excited to just spoil Usagi however. Mitsuki probably the same way. To be fair though, Katsuki was the same way. It was going to be a repeat of that again when I gave birth to the little one in me currently.
Christmas season would be a horrible time to give birth so both of us are hoping that the kid can wait until after to come but it's unlikely. I was due soon and it's a miracle the kid has waited this long.
"Hiro!! Where'd you put the thing?!"
I sighed and slammed the oven door closed.
"If you're talking about the present for Usagi which is not a thing mind you she's currently being hidden in the shed!!"
We got Usagi, our three year old daughter, a kitten thanks to my papa always taking her on out date nights. She grew obsessed with Toby, Pecan, and Marshmallow that she made a fuss every time she had to leave.
Thus prompting the purchase of a rag doll kitten that Katsuki and I already named Daisy. It took a bit of effort as well as the promise of naming the next cat we get Explosion but it would be worth it when I got to see Usagi's smile.
"I totally fucking knew that!" I rolled my eyes fondly. I winced as I stood up straight and rubbed my lower back. Damn this baby hurts like a bitch.
Then why'd you fucking get pregnant again?
Because I love children okay Kimyo? Shut up.
Yeah hun shut up. Usagi is adorable and I'm sure this baby will be too.
See? thank you Yuna!
I flinched as I felt something touch my cheek and arms wrap around my middle just a little under my big ass stomach.
"Katsuki! I was about to hit you!"
I heard him laugh, "as if your weak ass punches could hurt me!"
I turned my head sideways and narrowed my eyes at him. Kimyo do it.
I felt my body lose control and a slight tingling in my normal eye before Kimyo was now in the front.
"Wanna tru us blond fucker?"
Katsuki smirked but I could see the nerves in his eyes, "try me you weird demon bastard. I'll blast your ass so hard-"
Yuna took the reins, "Katsuki, please don't forget this body belongs to your wife and she's currently pregnant. And Kimyo stop antagonizing him!"
"Hey it was the brat's idea in the first place!! Don't blame me-!"
oh stop it already. Can I front now please?
I felt control be released and I was now back in the reins. I smiled and stood on my tippy toes to give Katsuki a kiss.
"For the record," I said as I started waddling into the living room afterwards, "I may be due any day but I could totally kick your ass."
I missed how Katsuki smirked initially, "I didn't doubt it for a second, Scarface."
I smiled, "I love you. Now, can you please make sure Usagi is actually picking up her toys and not getting side tracked? Its important..."
"if I fucking have to. Are we going to visit that silver haired father of yours and your pansy of a step father?"
I slapped him on the arm, "Katsuki! Amai is not a wuss! Hes just..." I struggled to find the right word.
A pansy??
"... sensitive." I said weakly.
I heard a scoff, "Also know as a fucking pansy, Scarface."
"If I hear you call him that one more time Bakugo Katsuki your sleeping on the coach until this baby in me turns one!"
I smiled slightly when I didn't hear anything else. Oh! I forgot!
"By the way we'll also be visiting Zabuza and Haku! Dad #1 decided to do a Christmas party for my family in Konoha!" I called over my shoulder. I pretended like I didn't hear his groan.
"Hey Hiro are the shitty nerd and icy hot coming with their gremlins too?"
I rolled my eyes, "of course they are! And they are not gremlins, Katsuki!! They're children!"
"Yeah and they're little monsters!"
I turned around with my hands on my hips to stare at him. He still hadn't gone to see I'd Usagi was picking up her toys.
"What does that make Usagi than huh? Is she a gremlin now too?!"
He was silent and I watched as his face turned into an angry pout, "no. She's a cute ass rabbit..."
I cracked up laughing.
"Stop laughing, Scarface!"
"Sorry sorry... now, can you go and get Usagi please?"
This is a crazy ass family
Yeah but they're our family.
I heard some sniffles. Kimyo?
Give him a minute dear. He's very touched right now.
I giggled. Leave it to Kimyo.
"Mommy!" I smiled seeing my daughters blonde porcupine hair. I kneeled down to hoist her up.
"Hey there, my little porcupine!" I cooed and kissed her head. I laughed as she wiggled around.
"No!" She whined, "I'm a bunny not a porcupine!!"
I raised an eyebrow and caught sight of Katsuki walking into the kitchen.
"Daddy Told me!!"
"Oh did he now?"
"Yeah!! And so did Uncle Juno!"
I heard Katsuki slam something on the table, "that little..."
I felt an ache start in my lower abdomen and it felt like how a period would. My eyes widened and I took a deep breath.
"Katsuki?" He didn't hear me, "Katsuki?!"
He came running, "what is it, babe?!"
I started to fast walk towards him, "can you take Usagi please?"
I handed her over but I was just focusing on the fact that this might be a contraction.
"Hiro? Are you okay?" I glanced up at Katsuki as I kept taking deep breaths.
Oh shit
Oh my god!!
"I think the baby decided to make a move." I gave a slight smile and I watched his eyes widen.
"Right. Um." It was kind of funny to see him fidget with nerves. Especially considering this was our second baby and we weren't going to even be doing a home birth this time.
I took initiative, "Katsuki can you please call Papa, Shouto, and Izuku and let them know that it's happening? I'll call the hospital."
I took deep breaths. This labor was intense.
"Okay Mrs. Bakugo," the doctor started, "we're going to start pushing here in a second all right?"
I nodded and I flexed my hand out for my husband. This ended up working out great with papa out there with Shouto and Izuku with their kids. That way Usagi wouldn't be bored. It'd be nice though if dad was here... well I guess I could always get Aoi to bring the family all over or the opposite. Family visit after the baby is born anyone?
I'm down.
Let's get through this first... deal sweetie?
"Okay Mrs Bakugo push!"
God damnit this was not fun but it'd be worth it. Sweat was pouring all down my face not to mention I was squeezing the ever loving shit out of Katsuki's hand.
"Okay! I can see the head! Take a deep breath you're doing great and you're almost done."
I felt a kiss on the top of my head and I glanced up as I was panting.
"That's it, Hiro." Katsuki whispered.
"Can you get me some ice?" I pouted "please?"
He chuckled "sure, Scarface sure... anyone you want me to send in while I'm gone?"
I thought for a second, "papa?"
"I'll see if Mr Aizawa is willing."
I watched pitifully as he left and I focused instead on my breathing.
"Okay you ready to start pushing again?"
My eyes widened and I hurriedly flexed my hand as Papa hurried through the door.
"Hey, Hiroko I'm here I got you."
"One last push come one you got this!"
I grunted and sighed in relief as I heard the wails Of a baby and it was laid on my hands.
"Congratulations it's a girl!"
I smiled at the baby currently laid on my chest and I started crying. I glanced up at Katsuki to see he had the same look on his face.
He leaned in close, "hey there, Baby girl."
I glanced up when I noticed the doctors weren't acting like it was done and over with.
Oh hell no
Oh dear
I paled and addressed the nearest doctor, "please tell me there's not another one in there."
The doctor only smiled. I glanced up at Katsuki who had a blank face and we didn't pay attention to our baby girl being taken off of my chest to be cleaned and weighed.
"Oh fucking hell."
"There we go!! Last push...!"
"THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING SAID LAST TIME!!" I screamed at the doctor as I did what was Expected and I pushed. Crying filled the air again as another baby was on my chest.
"It's a boy...!"
Did I cry again? Yes. Did Katsuki? Yes. Were we in love with both our babies? Oh yeah.
I looked up at Katsuki and smiled, "you named Usagi and I get to name these two."
Katsuki only grinned as he kissed the top of my head.
I went into labor at 3 pm today and I glanced at the clock only to see it was 1 AM. The twins were only 3 minutes apart. It was a 13 hour labor.
I groaned and leaned back. Our new baby girl was getting skin on skin contact with Katsuki while our baby boy was on my chest.
"I'm exhausted..."
Katsuki gave me a look of concern, "do you wanna wait on letting the fuckers in?"
I smiled slightly and shook my head no.
All of a sudden I felt a link form in my brain and I heard the wail of another baby. But in my head.
Is that... is there a creature baby in my head? Did you guys?!
A baby!! We're parent too Kimyo!!
I heard Kimyo give a muffled groan. You guys never answers my question.
Technically this creature baby is in your son and it formed a psychic connection between you two-
Well that's helpful.
Can we call her Sakura?!
I giggled slightly and glanced up at Katsuki, "hey what do you think of the names Yoshiko and Haruki Bakugo?"
Katsuki smiled at me as he kissed our daughters head, "I fucking love them."
I smiled too as I glanced down, "our Yoshi and Haru."
I hope you all enjoyed! It's a day late but oh well at least it got out!! If anyone's interested in drawing something look on my profile I posted an update sorta thing that will explain why I brought up drawing ;) also yes this is a legitimate look into the future of this story please enjoy my teasing.
Ps grown up Yoshiko is Violet Evergarden and Haruki is Zen from MysMes :) Usagi is just a female Bakugo btw lol

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