Chapter Ten

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This was a bad idea. I suppose that I have to go through with it now.

This was your own fault, brat.

Shut up, Kimyo I get that but I didn't think that both of them would agree to it. Oh, Jesus, this is going to be bad... Katsuki is going to kill him.

Dear, this will only go fine if you don't freak out. I know what you're thinking, just breathe.

Katsuki is literally going to explode when he sees Izuku and Izuku is going to die and Mrs. Midoriya is going to blame me for it forever and oh my god-

If Mrs. Midoriya is half as nice as she seems, she won't blame you for anything in the least. Besides, that Katsuki kid listens to you more than you think.

... true. I can always manage to bribe Katsuki with something... But... hmm...

Just give the porcupine cookies, brat. It worked once before, didn't it?

I paused my getting ready. Considering I had basically lounged around all day in pajamas I mean. But Kimyo that actually might work-

Good job, Kimyo dear! That wasn't a violent idea!

I giggled silently. Kimyo, I think I love your wife.

You can shut the fuck up, brat especially considering you always go through with my 'violent' ideas.

Fair enough.

I knocked on the wall to get the attention of Papa, "I'm leaving! See you in a bit, Papa!"

I should probably send Katsuki a text to not kill Izuku...

But if you still want him to be there, won't a text about this Izuku kid scare him off?

Porcupine boy doesn't get scared. He'd just come with to make sure he can kill broccoli boy.

That's fair enough, Kimyo. I guess I'll just text Katsuki to meet me halfway and make sure he won't?

They'll only kill each other if you let them, Hiro.

Correction again, Love: Porcupine boy will kill Broccoli boy and Broccoli boy will run away if the fucking brat doesn't keep the peace between the two.

Kimyo, Izuku can't run away if he's dead.

True. unless he comes back-

No one is going to die!!

No pressure, huh?

"Hiroko, didn't I say you're only allowed to go if one of them picks you up?"
I froze about halfway to the door.

.... Shit.

I nervously turned around and signed, "oh yeah... I'll just go and text one of them right now to ask when they're going to be here!"

I hurried into my bedroom not waiting to hear Papa's answer.

Wait are you actually going to-

I'm desperate okay?!

I quickly performed the summoning jutsu and in a cloud of smoke up popped Aoi's 14-year-old little brother who was staring at me with wide eyes and a blush on his face.

I quickly grabbed his shoulder and started signing, "Midori, I need some help. I need you to wait like five minutes before knocking on the door and say you're my friend from school who's picking me up- do you got all that?"
I stared intently at him and started to see him fidget.

Hiroko, dear, I think you're scaring the poor boy...

This is hilarious, love, I think we should let it continue!
I let go of Midori's shoulders quickly and clapped my hands, "great! Thank you in advance!"

And then I straight up walked out of my bedroom hoping he'd get the idea to go outside and wait until five minutes were up. Honestly, I didn't deserve Midori as a friend.

If he heard you say friend i'm pretty sure he'd die on the inside more than he already was when you grabbed his shoulders.

Why? Does he not like being touched? Cause I remember him saying he liked hugs...?

Oh, dear...

Now you see what I have to deal with!

I zoned out the conversation between the creatures and went back to Papa who was looking at me with a dry, expectant look on his face as he drank a juice pouch with Toby on his lap.

I smiled, "My friend should be here in a little bit, Papa!"
"Is it a boy?" I froze slightly at his question.

"It's a boy isn't it?" I slowly nodded and I could tell Papa wasn't very happy.


I quickly took Toby from him to make sure he would pay attention to my next words and I watched him frown at me, "did you really have to take the cat, Hiroko? He was perfectly comfortable there..."

I smiled slightly and let Toby climb up to sit on my head just like he's done since he was a kitten, "Sorry, Papa. I was feeling left out," I made a sound that was supposed to be a giggle but honestly it just sounded wet and disgusting due to how injured my vocal cords were, "anyways, this ones just a friend. And besides, he's younger than me so I see him as a little brother!"
I heard Juno in the corner before I saw him, "Ouch, that's gotta hurt the poor kid I saw you summon."

"If you say so, Kiddo..." I tilted my head when I noticed Papa hesitating, "As much as it pains me to say this, but if you're interested in someone... just let me know and I'll check them out for you..."
I smiled and hugged him, allowing Toby to jump back down. I kissed Papa's cheek.

Honestly, this hobo looking man has got some A-Plus parenting skills for that one sentence I gotta tell ya.

Kimyo! Don't call Aizawa a hobo!

But he looks like one!

I shook my head fondly at the two inside my head before I remembered something. One of these days, sometime soon, I would definitely have to tell Papa about where I came from...

A knock sounded at the door and I smiled, "that'd be him! See you later, Papa!"
"Be safe please!"

I quickly made it outside and hugged Midori, "thank you so much! Remind me that I owe you a new video game!"

"Will-Will do, Miss Hiroko!"

I giggled silently and sent him on his way. That was fun. Now... It was time to meet up with Katsuki.

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