Chapter Twelve

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Hinata ^O^: Good luck on the exam today (*^_^*)you'll do great!

I smiled down at my phone and quickly shot him a thank you. We'd only been talking for the last couple weeks but he was great.

Not gonna that peach line he used was great.

I snorted. You got that one hundred percent correct. I was halfway tempted to ask him to go on a date then and there!

But what about Katsuki?

Yuna, dear, if he was interested we'd- no I would know by now.

This is funny coming from the man who took years to notice my feelings for him.

... Okay so you've got a fucking good point there but so do I!

Enough you two! I'm already almost to Dagoba Beach to meet up with Izuku!

Don't forget the weird skeleton man too!

Kimyo! Leave All MIght alone! He's trying his best!

... Sorry, Yuna...

I turned towards the ghostly who was slowly moving alongside me, "How good are you at helping people in exams, Juno?"

"I'd say mediocre at best. I didn't necessarily do the best in school..." He scratched his head of blue hair, "why?"

"Just wondering. I'm going to need help most likely." I looked back on all of my past exam experiences and shuddered, "If anything it should be way easier than the Chuunin exams I took when I was twelve! Those questions were brutal! Don't even get me started on the second part of it! I couldn't look at forests the same for a while..."
You go that right! I'm just glad that that red-haired kid ended up taking a liking to you... And that Shukaku still remembers how my Chakra feels!

You always were good friends.

Not even going to ask.

"It was that bad?!" Juno's mouth dropped open in shock.

I looked him straight in his eyes, "the second and third portion were absolute hell on Eart. The First was just a written but..." I turned away from him to look at the sign for the beach, "I almost died in both the second and third."

I pretended for Juno's dignity that I hadn't heard him gulp.

Anyways! You're here!

Ah yeah and... My eyes bugged. The Beach was completely cleaned up?!

Even outside the area creepy skeleton man specified?! Damn! That's commitment!

Kimyo! Use the man's name! Repeat after me! Ya-gi To-shi-no-ri !

I drowned them out and ran up to the pair standing on the beach, Izuku all sweaty and now ripped and not wearing a shirt while Toshinori was all bundled up because, well, it was only early spring.

"Amazing, Izuku!" I signed, "You did this all by yourself?! I'm impressed!"

"Thanks, Hiroko!" Izuku smiled while I was bouncing on my toes to stay warm, "That's great coming from you!"

I shot him a thumbs up with a grin before Toshinori cleared his throat.

"Anyways, It's time for the reward ceremony Midoriya Izuku!" I narrowed my eyes when he pulled out a piece of hair, "This was something I was once told: Something that you receive because you are lucky and something that you are given because you are recognized are different in essence."

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