Chapter Eleven

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Katsuki obviously wouldn't be able to hear me if I yelled for him so I just kind of... jumped on his back...

That's putting it mildly, brat. The dude almost fell over! It was kinda funny to be honest.

Kimyo, shush.

"Scarface what the fuck?!" Katsuki exploded at me and I smiled as I jumped down from his back, "Why the fuck would you do that?!"
"Sorry, Katsuki!" I signed and pouted, "I'm pretty sure that was a good way to get your attention!"

I ignored the slight flush of color on his face and watched as he started to turn, "Whatever, man... Let's just get fucking going to this store..."
I panicked and grabbed his arm, "Wait I need to tell you something!"

"Well spit it the fuck out, scarface! I don't got all night here!"

I fidgeted slightly, "Now listen, If you don't pick a fight with the other person coming I will make you a whole plate of cookies."

He stared at me blankly, "Fucking Deku's coming along isn't he?"

I hesitated and smiled at him.

Increase the value of the deal! Quick!
"I will add on the making of extra hot curry." I hurried out.

It was silent for a good ten minutes. Oh god-

"Fucking fine. Those cookies and the curry better be fucking worth it, Scarface..." I jumped up and down.

I'm glad no one's going to... never mind. No one was going to die to begin with.

You were just about to say you were glad that no one was going to die, weren't you?
No, I wasn't...

Love, I think that's a straight-up lie. You know it, I know it, Fuck! I think even Hiroko knows it!

He's got a good point, Yuna.

"Are you coming or not Scarface?!" I shook myself out of the inner workings in my head and scrambled to catch up with Katsuki. Just by glancing at him, I could tell he was still pissed about me inviting Izuku to go to the grocery store with us...

I poked his cheek to get his attention.

"Wanna see if I can convince my dad to let me go to your house?" I questioned, "Then I can make you the cookies and the curry and we can watch some movies!"
"You can try if you want, Scarface..." I grinned. He didn't think I could see his smile, but oh boy did I.

Aww this is adorable.

Yuna, please don't encourage this. It's disgusting to watch the porcupine boy flirt with Hiroko.

I flushed and averted my eyes away from Katsuki. Kimyo! Please feel free to shut up! I can't be blushing! He'll question it.

"Why the fuck are you blushing?"

See?! This is all your fault!!
Sorry! Its fucking hilarious though!

"I just thought of an embarrassing moment from the past..." I fibbed. Great. Another fucking lie! Just add it to the ever-growing pile!

Then why don't you just tell him...?
I haven't even told papa my past yet! And you want me to tell Katsuki?!
Fuck yeah! Go for it! I mean, Broccoli head knows!
Yeah. On accident!

"Scarface, you're acting really weird." I fidgeted as Katsuki narrowed his eyes at me.

He's smart it seems...

Apparently you have to be to get into that one school he has his sights set on.

I smiled slightly. Am I really about to go through with this?
Just follow your heart, dear.

I took a deep breath, "remind me that I'll need to tell you something, okay?"

"Whatever, scarface. Now, where are we supposed to meet fucking Deku?"
I grinned and pulled him in the direction.


As soon as I saw the green hair I let go of Katsuki's arm and ran up to Izuku.

"H-Hi, Hiroko..." I giggled slightly and grabbed onto him, "Um... is it okay for me to be he-here?" I watched him take a glance towards Katsuki who glared and clicked his tongue with his hands in his pockets. I grabbed his arm too and made him join us.

"Don't worry, Izuku!" I signed, "I bribed him into being nice!"

In the corner of my eye, I saw Katsuki glaring, and I elbowed him in the shoulder, "Katsuki, lighten up a bit!"

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do, Scarface!"
Oh, dear...

I glared at him and was about to start furiously signing at him when Izuku bravely intervened, "Um- Look! The store's apparently having a discount on eggs! Let's go!"

I whirled around and indeed saw the discount sign, "Quick! We need that discount!"

As soon as we got in I handed both of them a piece of paper, "Okay, Katsuki your assignment is everything i need to make your curry since that's the terms we agreed on."
He scoffed but yanked it out of my hand, "whatever, Scarface. Don't be slow!"

I nodded satisfied he didn't argue and I turned to Izuku he was looking about as tired as I felt, "Izuku, your mission is to get me the milk, butter, vanilla extract, and those eggs that are discounted right now! I'll handle getting all of the other ingredients!"
And with that, we took off. However, I got a bit distracted in the fruit aisle after getting my share. Maybe I could get a couple of apples... ooo maybe some grapes!
It's fucking weird that you're a borderline health nut.

No, it's not! It's called being healthy!

"Excuse me," I turned my attention and I saw a boy around my age standing there smiling and holding a peach, "But I'm not the only one who thinks this peach looks like a butt am I?"

Hiroko get that guys number he's perfect.

I giggled and held out a piece of paper, "It definitely does! Sorry about the paper but I have a bit of an issue with my vocal cords."

"Thank you!" The boy looked up like he was praising the Lord, "My friend thought I was crazy." I looked over his shoulder to see another boy looking like he was dead inside.



Sorry, Yuna...

I handed another piece of paper, "My name is Tenshi Hiroko, yours?"
"Ah, the names Fujimoto Hinata it's nice to meet you, Hiroko!" I giggled again before I heard my name getting called. I turned around and saw Izuku blushing when he realized he was interrupting a conversation.

I smiled apologetically before I slipped Hinata a piece of paper with my number on it and waved goodbye.


Thank you, Thank you. I do try.

"Sorry for interrupting your conversation, Hiroko!" Izuku flushed, "It's just that Kacchan and I finished and he was getting impatient-"
I waved him off and smiled, "It's totally fine, Izuku! I gave him my number so it's up to him whether or not he wants to text!"
Juno and Aoi are gonna keel over and die when you tell them this.

Don't forget about Aizawa and her father, Kakashi, dear...

Yeah, they're definitely gonna keel over... and then come back to hunt down that Hinata kid. Kakashi the fucker won't even care about being in a different dimension when Hiro sends them the letters. Oh my god don't even mention Momochi's reaction!

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