Chapter 1

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"Master Reigns!" Said a high pitched male voice.

"Did I say speak?" Roman said slamming harder in to the blonde males ass."Sorry Master." Dolph whimpered back.

Right now a submissive named Dolph was tied to a bed. His feet and arms was shackled around the post of the bed while getting dominated by a lager samoan male.

"Beg me to cum bitch." Roman grabbed a hold of the smaller man's cock and squeezed. All the bleach blonde could do was let out a loud slutty moan as his ass was getting man handled.

"Beg. Slut." Was all Roman could say before he felt Dolph cum run down his hand. Roman pulled out and stared at the man who was lieing face down on the bed, panting hard.

"I'm so sorry, Mr.Reigns " Dolph said trying to catch his breath and look at his master.

"Slut cant even hold for 5 minutes." He said looking at the man while stroking his still hard cock.

Roman picked up his basketball shorts and walked out the room, ignoring the begs of the sex slave. He knew that sooner or later someone will untie his latest fuck of the day. All he was worried about was getting someone to finish what the slave could not.

Walking to the section of the dungeon where submissives are helded in cages waiting to get
fucked, Roman went up to a sub with black hair and pretty brown eyes.

"AJ" was all it took for AJ to crawl over to the bars of her cage. With a quick "Thank you, Master" AJ suck the large member into her mouth through the bars. Roman look down at the pretty face. She is always ready to please her master, Roman thought to himself.


The air was cold as Joe walked out the building.He was still a little mad that his sub came without permission. It always bothered him when he wasn't in control. It made the man ..tick..


"Tell me how much you want it. " Roman said bending his lover over his knee.

"I want! Please I need it" Seth said licking his lips. The smaller man let out a yelp when he felt a hard smack on his ass.

"Harder?" Seth whimpered. He knew if he said no that he would be in even more trouble.

"Yes, sir" Roman smack the soft cheek as hard as he can. The sub let out a yell of pain and pleasure. Seth keyed himself off Roman's lap and got on all fours.

"Fuck me, now" Roman eye twitched. "Come on!" Seth said looking back at his master, annoyed at Roman for not listening.

Roman looked down at his hands and flexing them. He smiled softly with a laugh while starting at Seth. His lover, his sub, his property. Seth was his.He need to learn. He need to remember who's his master. Roman closed his eyes and through his head back with a vicious laugh that turned into a inhumane growl.

In the blink of the eye, Roman was fully naked and shoving his cock in Seth with no lube or prep.

Seth screamed in pain and clawing at the sheets. "STOP! Ro, it hurts! Pl-please, I'm sorry!"
He tried to pull away from Roman with tear stained cheeks.

"Shut the fuck up. You will call me Sir or Master. And you will take your punishment and if you pass out... "Roman said trailing off. Seth knew what would happen if he disobey Roman. Break-up. Roman don't need Seth when he have his own BDSM company. Seth don't even understand why Roman is with him.

The small man was pulled out his thoughts with a hard thrust.


Joe hoped in his black and yellow Bugatti. Starting the car up, he turned the heat up with a long sigh. Joe loved his job, but he wants change. He want something new; he want a challenge.

Joe pressed the hard on the pedal to stop the car as a man in a big hoddie was crossing the street.

"Watch where ya, going " Joe said honking at the man standing in the middle of the street.

"Watch where YOU going with your bumblebee car! " The man said sticking up his middle finger. Joe was about to respond but thought better on it, as the man final crossed the street with a slight limp.

Soon as he reached the next stoplight, Joe took out his phone and sent a quick text to Seth.

'Be ready on all fours when I get home'


Jon looked around before punching the window of what looks like a mansion. He heard alarms go off but he hopped in the window anyway. It was far from a police station and his boyfriend Ryback said no one would be home.

Ryback is a liar, a cheat, and a thief. Jon knows all of this. He doesn't even know Ryback's real name or age. Sure Ryback hits him and turn him black and blue, Jon knows that he loves him.

And that's why Jon is breaking into a famous Samoan mansion. Jon would do anything for his man, and stealing money to bail Ryback out of jail is one of them.

Listening for any movement, Jon carefully walks up the stairs, shaking with nervousness. He was trying to find where the man who lives here hide his money because all Ryback said was that he think it's up stairs. That wasn't much directions but Jon was determined.

Jon noticed the alarms turned off down stairs. 'Oh well' he through slowly pushing the door open to one of the bedrooms.

Surprisingly, it was a man doing squats with his eyes closed. Jon stood there for a moment wondering how to hell this dude didn't hear the alarms,till he noticed the head phones covering the guy with two color hair ears. Jon snapped out of his staring and quietly shut the door back.

As he was about to turn around he felt a hand around his throat and another around his mouth. He tried his best to fight the bigger person off with no avail. He felt himself getting dragged to another room.

Fast as the person let go, he was tired to a black chair and blindfolded and gagged. Before that though, he caught a quick glance of the room. It was a small blood red room with tools all on the walls. He seen whips, chains, and metal cuffs.

At first he though this was a torture chamber, but then he seen a.... dildo?

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