Chapter 10

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Colby looked at Jon with an sinful glare. He received a text from Joe, telling him to clean the Chamber. Colby cleaned himself up and quickly made his way to the cold basement. Colby brown eyes was met immediately with Jon's naked body.

Jon panted quietly as he heard footsteps softly walk down the stairs. He knew it wasn't Joe. The big man have loud demanding steps. The kind where his present has to be known by everyone in the room. Jon didn't bother trying to look back. He just hoped it was someone to untie him. He been down there around 10 minutes in silence. Jon tugged at the painfully tight shackles on his wrist, before he let out a groan in annoyance.

Colby walked slowly towards the neglected slave. He was a good twelve feet away, but he still could see the long red marks. They started at Jon shoulders and ended at the back of the blonde's thighs. Some of the whips lashes slightly broke skin. Nothing too bad, they'll heal in a week, at most. Colby knows Joe was tough on the submissive, but it was obvious that this punishment was a pleasure for Jon. After a punishment, usually the slave sobs and cries for their master's forgiveness. Jon was the opposite. The man was breathless and agitated with being left down thert. His hips shuffled a bit as tried to release himself.

Colby almost soundless steps came to a halt. The whip on the floor caught his attention. Colby leisurely bent down and picked up the thick leather. His fingers curled around it when a sea of empowerment flooded through his toned body. Over his five years with Joe, never had he touched his master's favorite tool. Never had a reason to. Colby's jealousy of Jon was a disliked emotion that never seem to be so strong until now. The deep brown eyes traveled up to Jon's back. Jon was unspeaking as Colby thoughts turned dark. The only way Jon acknowledged the presence of the other person was the slight tilt of his head to get a better hearing of what was happening behind him. Colby glare changed into a grin.

Before Colby could even attempt to raise the arm that held the bull, there was a vibration in his pocket. The sensation shocked him enough for him to drop the tool. Jon jumped from the sound. What the hell? "I don't know who is down here, but can you let me go? I know I'm butt naked, kinda weird. Just help a fella out." Jon said loudly with a frown. He tried to turn his head, but he wasn't an owl. After stupidly hurting his neck he decided to just look forward. He couldn't wait anymore. Who ever that asshole is behind him been down there for about a hour. Okay, not a hour but like five minutes already. Unless it was a ghost. Most likely not a ghost. The blonde rolled his eyes at his ridiculous thoughts. He simply wanted to take those damn heels off and chuck them at someone's head. Colby made him put them on. The fucking liar said that If he looked good enough, Joe wouldn't punish him. If anything, the outfit made Joe want to do it more! Jon is pretty sure Colby knew that.

Colby ignored Jon request and snatched his phone out his pocket.

You're taking too long. Bring Jonathan to my room. Immediately.

Colby clenched his jaw. It's only been two days, and Joe is treating him like another one of the maids. Besides when he's mad; Joe would aways treat Colby like his prince. Joe was strict but Colby knows that he has a soft spot for him. Then Jon comes along. A nobody thieving manslut. Luckily, Jon is another twink that Joe will toss in the 'Dungeon' with all the others used up fuck faces. Colby can't pinpoint the reason why Joe like Jon. His chocolate eyes grew a little. What if Joe is paying Jon, to test how he'd react? Yeah, that's a little fucked up but...

Colby perked up like a nerd getting a test in his favorite subject. If this is a test, then Colby was ready to Ace it. With fake compassion.

"Poor Boy! Are you okay? Joe must have been having a bad day." It took Jon a moment to put a face to the voice. Once he realized it was that dude again, he licked his lips and sighed to himself. Oh? Ya think so? Jon could tell Colby was trying to sound nice, but there was a faint sarcasm. If playing good boy with Colby would get him out those shackles, so be it.

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