Chapter 8

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Dean was quite. He rubbed his sweaty palms on his leather white pants. Dean petrified blue eyes looked straight ahead, out the car's impossibly clean windows.

Jon couldn't believe that Joe did that. The fact that Joe can shoot a random person with no regrets made Jon look at him differently. What would make him do something like that?Just imagining what else Joe could do, made him cringle.

Joe drove through his huge gate doors and into the drive way. He felt bad for Jon. At the same time, he couldn't give a fuck about Jon feelings. He just didn't care.

Joe parked the car in his massive garage. There was at least 30 cars in the room, some of which Joe never drove yet. Jon stayed seated. Obviously, Joe clearly didn't understand that Jon was no woman and could open the door for his damn self. Luckily, he was smart enough not to say anything after what happened earlier. Jon hope his RyRy is okay. Ryback would be too paranoid to call the paramedics. And too stupid to take care of the wound properly.

"Thanks." Jon mumbled as Joe opened the door. He climbed out and waited for Joe to lock the car doors. Jon quietly watched Joe for a few seconds. He swiftly looked away when Joe caught his gaze.


"Put on something nice, Dean," Joe smirked. "I'll be back in 20 minutes."

Jon resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the name. Why couldn't he be called Razor or Zack? Something badass.

Joe helped Jon bring all his luggage and duffel bags to his room. Joe made Jon pack EVERYTHING. He had about eight bags of luggage and suitcases. Thankfully the giant mansion had an elevator. "Sure." Jon dragged out.

Jon closed the bedroom door after Joe left. He didn't know why he have to change his clothes. Whatever. All he did was tell Jon to put something nice on. 'No biggie.'


Jon wasn't paying attention to how long he was in the shower. His eyes shot to the bathroom wall clock. He been in there too long. Now he had only three minutes to get dressed. Jon dried his body off quickly and ran out the bathroom.

"Shit!" He grabbed a thin green thong and shoved it on. Jon clumsy nature caused him to trip on the way to the closet.

Yes, trip.

Over nothing.

Jon hopped back up and continued his fast pace to the closet. He had no idea what to put on. So many damn choices. Fuck fuck fuck! Jon heard to door open and foot steps enter. He was about to just pick anything until he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. Jon jumped with a gasp.

" Keep calm, Jonathan," Colby said as he rolled his eyes. "Master Roman told me to get you ready."

Jon ignored most of what the man was saying."Why do you call him Master Roman even when he's not around?"

Colby was quite for few seconds as he tried to find a reason."Joe, told me to get you ready." He said slighty slower.

"I can get ready myself." Colby looked Jon up and down.

"Just follow me. I don't have all day." A confused Jon followed him out the closet. He can dress himself. Do Joe think he's disable or something? Jon is no kid; he's a grown ass man.

Colby shoved shoulders with Jon as he walked back into the closet. Jon quickly caught his balance. He rubbed his shoulder with a scowl. Who shoved a stick up his ass? The two never even properly introduce themselves to each other. It was kinda obvious that he was a sub, but besides his name is all Jon know about him.

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