Chapter 4

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He sighed deeply as he sat at his desk.





Where is his mind? Joe ran his hands through his raven locks. He can't believe he just let this thief in his home. The blue doe eyed man can kill him and Seth in their sleep and leave without a trace..

The thought caused Joe to grunt in annoyance. Seth. He didn't think about the smaller man and his bitching. Yeah, Seth is his sub but he could complain about anything and everything. If it was anyone else besides Jon, he would have roughin the person up or called the cops. He just couldn't let Jon go. He had to find away to get the man to stay. Joe felt a wave of pleasure when he first touched Jon. It was like an unexplainable shock that made him feel a sensational high. When he was young, his mother would tell him the stories of how her and his father had a special bond. How their touches was like fireworks. He had always thought his mama was over dramatic. Well, till now. It seems like some bull shit from a fairytale, but in all honesty, he had the urge to take him in a room and fuck him senseless.

Joe pulled out his laptop and typed in his password 1207. It was the day his mother died. He looked at the time on his watch, which read 2:56. Almost 3:00 am. Joe sighed again. He was use to staying up this late because he goes to work 6:00 pm to 2:00 am and sleeps in the morning. He could go in when ever he wants, because he owns the place of course. Today he had skipped work for Jon. First he had to do some research on the blonde and later in the morning he would go with the man to pick up any of his belongings, and get him tested. Joe hopes he's clean. Specially after he kissed him.

Typing in Jonathan Good on people search was easy. Finding which one was him wasn't. The business owner scrolled down through multiple accounts. He shorting the search by sorting by age. He found 23 profiles between the ages 25 and 35. After searching each one, he found out 2 was dead, 1 missing, and 2 possible others that could be him. The others was not Jon for obvious reasons like, height, race, eye color, and even one of the people was a female. Joe of course ruled out the dead. He reread the other 2 a couple more times. The one was ruled out because it stated that this Jonathan Good was in jail for 15-life for murder. He silently thanked the Big Guy in the sky for that not being the man down the hall. The other one looked legit so he did more research on other sites.

Could this be him? Joe looked at the screen and blinked.

A clean record and a job.

As a doctor.

Why the hell would a doctor break into his home? Yup, not him. So this left one choice. The man down the hall, sleeping in pink silk panties is missing. The report states Jon was last seen in Ohio 1995, when he was 10. Does Jon knows that's he is listed missing?Joe tried to find more information on the missing 10 year old. He found no flyiers or news papers on the case. No parent or family information. Nothing about where he last seen or if anyone was still looking for him. Now Joe wasn't so sure if this was the right Jon. But luckily, Joe had connections that tells him more about his clients.

The computer geek was called Adam Rose. Him and Rose never meet in person or talked over the phone. His cousin Jey told him about Adam and his technical skills and hacking. Joe logged into his email account and sent a description of Jon. Blue eyes, white male, between the ages of 25 and 35. About 6'1 and around 230 pounds. He also mentioned that he wanted Rose to do major research on the missing person case. He didn't want to tell Rose about why he need this information, incase Rose calls the police and give them false hope about the man being found. Plus he was pretty sure if Jon wanted to be found, the man would be.

Joe looked at his clock again.

7:21 am.

Joe rubbed his eyes tiredly as he relized he wouldn't be getting any sleep. He shut his computer and locked his office door. Joe yawned as he walked down the hall towards the stairs. He stopped mid-step as he passed Seth door. Joe wanted to have a talk with the man before he cause a scene inm front of his new housemate.

Joe opened the door without knocking and found Seth sleeping in his king sized bed. Joe didn't move. He just stood in the door way as he called out the name he made for the man.

"Seth" The man just rolled over in the bed onto his side and facing opposite of the samoan,while pulling the cover over his head.

"Seth" Joe said again. He knew Seth would usually be woke at 8 or 9, but he was cranky and he don't like being ignored. He walked other to the bed and snatched the deep purple comfortor off the tan man. He was met with wide brown puppy eyes and a blue thong.

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