Chapter 17

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It's so quiet but very loud at the same time. How is that possible? It's annoying. Very annoying.

A sigh passed soft lips. Jon's head pounded violently. A headache has been bothering him for hours. He already took four asprins; he couldn't take anymore in fear of overdosing.

Maybe the headache would go away if he stopped holding in all his tears. Maybe his headache would go away if he stopped drinking. Maybe it would go away if he just stop caring. Jon pulled his second bottle of liquor to his lips and took a long needy sip. His throat is raw and feels like fire. It's okay. The pain is welcomed.

A muffled voice echoed from the bathroom. Whether arguing or agreement, Colby been on the phone for half an hour. Jon could hear what Colby is saying. But Jon doesn't.

Jon didn't care about the conversation. Not at all. He heard Colby sniffles and soft cries, but he doesn't ask if he's okay. Jon knows that Colby is okay.

Yeah, everything is fine.

A bitter chuckle bubbles from Jon's lips when Colby steps out the bathroom. Everything is fine. Colby cheeks are rosy from sadness. His brown eyes are watery, but they still somehow flared with fire. Colby's phone was done. The screen was cracked, but the man continued to run his thumb over the tiny shards of glass.

"You drunk?"

"Fuck yeah." Jon smiled and drunkenly scratched his stubbled cheek.

"Why were you laughing?"

"How did you break you're phone?" The light slur in his voice is weak. Colby curiously looked down at his phone screen. His eyes seemed dull with realization as he shrugged. Colby tossed his phone on TV stand. "I don't remember."

Colby walked over to Jon. He pushed Jon so he was laying flat on the bed. The drunk man hummed in pain; the quick movement making his head spin. Colby laughed a little and started pulling Jon's shoes off. "Why are you stripping me?"

"For a shower." Colby continued. After pulling his socks off, Colby loosened his belt and pulled down Jon's pants. Jon arched his back a little so Colby could remove his shirt.


Jon sighed loudly and stared as Colby started to undress. The man sure is fit. Jon licked his chapped lips and ran a hand down his own torso. He's very lanky compared to Colby. Jon got a few pounds and a couple inches aganist Colby, but he somehow still looks small next to him. Still, Colby looks like a twink.

"Am I skinny?" Colby pulled his pants off, so now they both are only censored by their underwear. Colby raised an eyebrow.


"Never mind."Jon slurred. Colby took his empty bottle and sat it next to his phone. He grabbed Jon's arm and pulled him up easily. Jon mumbled something about throwing up from all this movement. Colby tugged his gangly body into the expensive hotel bathroom. After cranking the knob to its hottest, Colby removed his underwear. The thin silk material fell to the floor in a heap. He stepped into the shower room and reached his hand out for Jon to take. The blonde mumbled something under his breath then sloppily pulling his underwear off too.

Colby pulled Jon in and closed the glass door. The hot water cascades over them. The water is turning Jon's skin slightly pink from the strong heat, but feels so good. Colby wrapped his arms around the man in front of him. He couldn't help but squeeze him tightly.

"Colbs?" Jon tone seemed to be slightly somber as he whispered his nickname. Colby was shaking violently behind him. Jon was being squished tightly against his chest. It was a little awkward. Colby arms were tensed and flexed around his middle. He's getting squeezed pretty tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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