Chapter 5

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"So he's staying here?"


"To pay for a broken window?" Seth looked at Joe in disbelief. He never knew Joe could be so petty.

"Yes. Se-Colby." He explained this to the man five times already as they sat on the patio so Jon couldn't hear. Like he guessed, the small man bitched. He bitched about being awoken. He bitched about having to put clothes on. He bitched about it being chilly outside in 82° heat. So obviously he bitched about Jon.

"Why do you need some newbie when you have me?" Colby said in a seductive tone that barely hid his jealousy.

"Its just business." Joe had to stop himself from adding 'like you are' at the end. "Good."

Colby reached up and gave Joe a peck on the lips. "I'm going to make us, ALL of us some breakfast." He said making sure to add extra sarcasm is on 'all' with a twisted smile. Yeah, he's up to something.

Joe walked in through the kitchen and looked at Colby. He seemed innocent as he dig through the fridge. Joe got an eye full of nice tan cheeks and a blue thong wedged in between. Joe licked his lips and continued out the kitchen. 'Later'


Joe looked at his watch as he continued to walk up the spiral staircase. That talk took longer than he expected. Way longer. It was around 8:50, so he guessed Jon should be up by now.



No response. Maybe he's still sleeping.

Joe walked into the room ready to awake his second person for today. The closer he walked into the room, the more he scanned the curves, dips and muscles under the milky skin of his new treat.

Fuck. He picked a good outfit for Jon. The pink underwear making his ass look flawless. His small feet covered by black knee socks. Well, compared to Joe's. This made Joe bite his lip. He closed his eyes for a second and imagined Jon with some Red Bottoms and a thong. Maybe he should enroll Jon in some strip class and make him his personal stripper.

Joe opened his eyes and let out a deep breath trying to calm his beating heart. He never got worked up over little thoughts like this. He looked down, and thankfully he didn't have a boner.

"Jon." Joe stood a few feet from the bed.

"Jon." He said again walking towards the man to shake him wake. Jon mumbled something before he flipped onto his back with a slight smile and his eyes closed. Joe reached for his shoulder, but Jon gripped his arm causing Joe to freeze.

"Come here, Ry." Jon giggled, still with his eyes close. After that weird dream, he was horny. Yeah, it was about another man but Ryback don't need to know.

Jon grabbed the arm on his shoulder and pulled the person on top of him. He spread his leg so the person could fit in between. He was pretty sure by the grunt he received that Ryback felt his hard on.

Jon hazey mind from sleep wasn't really paying attention to what the man on top of him was saying. He let out a lazy "hmmm?" And opened his eyes.

Wide surprised gray eyes meet his. Jon closed his eyes and reopening them, trying to get the man from his dream out his head. After the third time, Jon realize that this wasn't Ryback or a dream. Jon eyes went wide.


Joe was pulled on top of Jon.

"Come here, Ry." Who the fuck is 'Ry'? Jon spread his legs, causing Joe to lay in between. The raven haired man eyes opened wide as he felt Jon's morning wood.

"I'm not complaining about this position, but we have some things to do today." Joe said, trying to lift himself up from Jon's grip.

"hmmm?" He paused, as the pretty blue eyes opened. Jon blinked a few times before his eyes went wide.

"Why the fuck are you on me?"

Joe was not expecting that, considering Jon was the one who pulled him on top. Anyway, the disrespect was not going to be tolerated.
Joe laid flat on top of Jon.

Chest to Chest.

"What the fuck! Get off of me-" Jon was cut off by a harsh bite to the neck. 'What's up with this biting?' he grunted to himself trying to get the man to stop.
Jon let out a yell as Joe bit harder into his neck. Afterwards he felt soft licks and nibbles to the spot that mostly be bruised now. He couldn't help but whimper at the sensation.

Joe lifted his head up and looked Jon in his watery eyes.

"We have a busy day today. Wash up, get dressed and meet me in the dinning room." He said getting up without another word.

Once Joe left, Jon ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Dammit, you fucking fuck face!" On his neck was deep teeth marks. The area was dark red and already turning slight purple. It was no use in lying. Jon liked it. He loved the pain. Maybe that's the reason he stays with Ryback. No, no it can't be. Jon was a masochist, but the pain from Ryback is different. It makes him feel like hes worthless and a useless piece of shit.

At the same time, he love him more than he ever loved anyone. Ryback was the only one who helped him and gave him a place to stay. That must mean his boyfriend loves him, right?

Jon didn't want to think about it any more and got into the shower. He turned the water on hot, trying to clear his mind. The shower was large with see through glass. The walls was marble and it weirdly smelt like strawberry inside.

Everything inside looked expensive. The body wash to shampoos all had rates of 5 stars on them. He found where the strawberry smell was coming from. It was the conditioner.

So of course he used it.


Here's an update!! I would love some creative criticism, and if you want a one shot, just send me summary of what you want

Breaking Him (Ambreigns)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon