Chapter 7

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Jon was so glad that the hospital visit was over.

Jon always had a bad memory with needles. They scared him shit-less. Growing up, he would see his mom and her friends using them. She'd tell him it was her 'medicine', and he would believe every word.

That was until he turned 9. After coming home from school, he found his mom O.D on the couch. She wasn't moving. Her eyes was rolled into the back of her head and thick blue veins covered her arm. Jon screamed and started panicking. He let out a loud sob as his shaking hand reached into his mother pocket and grabbed her phone. Jon mother told him to never call 911. She said they was there just to make things complicated. He put the phone on the floor and crawled into her lap. Jon was just a kid and didn't know what to do. He shook his mom begging her to wake up. Jon eyes cried hard as he wailed for her to move. He knew she wasn't going to wake back up. So he ran.

"Jonathan, you have to stay still." Jon once again flinched as the nurse tried to insert thr needle. Jon took in deep breaths of air, trying to calm himself.

Joe silently watched Jon carefully from his seat. Jon would flinch every time he needle was about to pierce his arm. Jon was almost shaking. His eyes wide as he stared at the needle. Joe knew the signs. Jon had trypanophobia; the fear of needles.

Joe got out his seat and grabbed the smaller hand. He didn't know why he was comforting Jon. Any one else he would have just watched the terror on their face with a smirk. They eyes met but showed different emotions. One confused and the other sending a message. It's okay. Jon's pride once again flared up. He tried to snatch his hand away, but his partner wouldn't let that happen. Joe lifted the hand to his lips. He softly left a lingering kiss on the warm skin. Not once breaking eye contact with Jon.

"Finished. You may leave." The nurse said with a sigh, probably aggravated with Jon.

Jon put his checkerd shirt back on over his white tank top. He looked up and seen Joe staring hard at him. He hated that look. It made his stomach twist.

"Is it some shit you wanna say? Or you gonna just stare at me like a piece of meat?"

Is what Jon wanted to say. Instead, Jon hopped off the table. He walked out the room without a second glance to Joe.

Jon waited at the bumble bee car. He had a very strong dislike for cars like this. He almost got hit with one!

After thanking his aunt for her service, Joe walked towards his car. Disrespectful and Disobeident. Jon was an enigma. One moment he was wild with a bad habit of opening his fucking mouth. The next, Jon was a perfect pet. As soon as the results come back with good news, Jon will know who's boss.

Joe unlocked the doors and walked over to the passenger side of the car. The Samoan opened the door for Jon as if he was a woman. "I can open the damn door."


"Just tell me the address." Joe asked gripping the expensive leather steering wheel hard. Joe been driving around for 20 mins, following Jon's direction. Once again Jon was acting like a brat.

"Almost there. Make a righ-No! Left." Jon didn't need Joe to know exactly where he 'live'. He wasn't planning on staying long with Joe, just enough time to get the money and pay bail for Ryback. He didnt need Joe showing up at the house. Ryback would literally kill Jon for bringing any attention to his home.

"You can drop me off at the corner." Jon said unbuckling his seat belt.

"15 minutes." Joe said in distaste. The neighborhood was disgusting. The houses had broken windows. The grass was in desperate need of cutting and beer cans litter the front yards. Broken glass on the streets made Joe want to growl. If he gets a flat in his favorite car, he would surely hunt down who left the mess. Man or woman. Joe dosent care who he hurts. He would do whatever he wants without a second thought.

Breaking Him (Ambreigns)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora