Chapter 11

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"Get out." Joe said, pushing Jon off of him and onto the floor. The man body landed with a thump. He didn't say anything as he laid on the floor while still breathing hard from sex; which they only finished a minute ago. Even if Jon wanted to leave, he's not. His cum is on his stomach and Joe's cum is leaking out his ass. Plus he doesn't know where his room is.

Joe stepped out the opposite side of the bed and walked towards the bathroom. God damn. Jon held himself up in his elbows to watch. Joe's ass is His nice golden cheeks is firm, smooth and down right yummy.
"Stop looking at my ass. Leave." Joe's gruff voice mumbled. He opened the glass door and continued to the shower. Jon silently watched him adjust the water and close the white shower curtains through the glass wall.

The blonde blinked a couple times with a blank stare. Did Joe real expect him to leave? As if. Jon legs felt like jelly as he stood up to get back on the bed. After all the shit happened today, he was tired as fuck. He rolled on his stomach and buried his face into the soft pillows. A quiet sigh passed his lips while his eyes slowly closed.



Jon sleepy eyes snapped open before he could process what just happened.


Jon rolled over on to his back and sat up quickly. He lazily rubbed his hand up and down his abs in hungry while the other grabbed a pillow and placed it on his lap. "What?" Joe stood at the foot off the bed with his leather brown belt in his hand. The item used to smack his sore ass. The muscular man was dressed handsomely in a pale green dress shirt and black tie with black slacks. His hair was pulled back into a perfect bun. Jon could tell he just shaved. Every inch of Joe looked perfect.

"Don't ask me 'What?'. I told you to get the fuck out. You better be greatful I let you sleep. Now give me 50 push-ups." Jon rolled his eyes. He doesn't remember signing up for no boot camp. 50 push-ups? Jon could do it but he's not. He laid back and shut his eyes. Joe wants to much from him. He should be greatful he got to fuck me. Tons of people would be greatful. Seriously. The now angered man clenched him jaw. Joe walked up to the side of bed and rubbed his forehead. He really didn't have time for this. He has to go to work. Joe lets out a tired sight and pulled Dean out the bed by his curls. He grimace at the sounds of the smaller man's screaming. Joe wasn't sleep in 22 hours. Now he have to stay up for eight more. He didn't want to get behind with his company. Joe had to make sure all his submissives are in line. And to make sure his money is right. The slaves only take 4% of what they earn and Joe gets the rest. He has to make sure no one is getting greed.

Some may say his company is a more fancy and kinkier form of prostitution.

Jon's raspy scream was loud. He was pulled onto the floor like it was nothing. His naked body curled up on the floor. Jon was still kinda half sleep. His mind was in a daze. The first thing he could think of was to curl up. Joe nudged him with his shiny black dress shoes. The hard tip barely digging into his skin. "Get up, and get out. I don't want to see your face," Jon was slow while trying to stand on his shakey legs. It was obvious he wasn't moving fast enough for Joe's taste. "Ten, nine, eight, se-"

Joe was tempted to roll his eye when Jon tripped. How the fuck do you trip over air. "Five, four, three..." Joe trailed off when Jon sloppily opened the door and and almost tripped again. He could tell Jon was fucked good, by his slight limp. He was too annoyed to smirk. Joe adjusted his black tie and grabbed his phone. He didn't get rich by sitting on his ass.

Time for business.


Jon couldn't find his room, but he really wanted to get the cum off and out. After looking around for about a half hour, he gave up and went to a random bathroom. He ignored his surroundings and turned the shower on. Jon sleepily entered the hot water. So fucking warm. He slowly slid down the wall of the shower and rested his head against the wall. No need to worry about wasting water.

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