Chapter 16

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"You look awesome, baby. Don't worry."

Chubby fingers rubbed at sad tearful eyes. He couldn't stop crying, no matter how much his momma said everything will be okay. The five year old tugged at his costume, but the site of blue fabric made him cry harder. The little boy wanted to be the strong Roman Warrior he saw in the costume magazine but they're sold out. He knew there is no way he could win 'best costume' at his classroom's Halloween party now.

"But, Tommie is gonna be superman too!" He cried out for the third time already. His mother lifted his small 50 pounds body and sat him on her hip. Her son wrapped his arms tightly around her neck and sobbed. The small child didn't even want to go to school anymore. "Listen. It's not always 'bout winning, it's about-"

"Don't lie to him. It's always about winning." The father sat on the couch with his car keys in hand; ready to take his son to school. He watched his wife try to comfort their youngest son to no avail. The big man didn't know how to stop a crying five year old, and he didn't find the point in lying to a five year old either. "Everything is about winning. No one wants to be a loser. Losers are failure."

The boy cried even more. His mother rubbed his back soothingly as she glared at her husband. "What the hell is wrong with you?" The woman always had a short temper when it comes to her children.

"My kids will never be anything below the best. They'll always be winners."

Joseph eyes clouded with tears as he drove. All his hard work is down the drain. The empire he spent his life building, is left behind. All the people he ever loved, will never see him again.


Adam Rose has been caught. The most wanted hacker in America, has been caught. All his computers and gadgets been raided. Everything and anything about the Roman Empire could have been stored there. Stuff that will have Joseph on death row.

He only found out when Rose sent a last email to all his clients.


The message was followed by approximately a hundred links. Joseph didn't bother clicking on them; they're most likely a virus that'll led the FBI on a wild goose hunt. Rose is in deep shit, and most likely won't be alive by the time he reaches the Jail cell. The information Rose let loose is going to get the computer geek killed. Joseph hopes so.

Where is he to go now? Money isn't a problem. Joseph was smart enough to empty his bank accounts. Suitcases filled with at least 50 million dollars stuffed in the back of the old black van he's driving. The rest of the money was emptied into his workers' bank accounts. Giving them enough to live a happy life without ever having to lift a finger.

Oh, the mansion. His beautiful home...Ashes. He paid a couple people to just burn the place down.

Leave no fucking evidence.


He pulled the small body closer to him as they walked down the street. She's only a inch shorter than him, but she's a petite vegetarian. He would ask questions about her eating habits, but she'll give him the same answer: when your in 8th grade like me, and watch the meat production video, you'll understand. He hate when the petite girl would brag about being in 8th grade while he's in 7th. She only a year older than him. Not a big deal.

"Do you have homework." His 'girlfriend' asked. He rolled his eyes. She asks him that everyday on their walk home. " Of course I do. I just don't do it." She nodded her head absent mindedly. Sometimes it feels that she doesn't even listen to him. Nobody does. He always been a quiet kid, causing a lot of kids to pick on him. She's probably only 'likes' him because he carries her heavy book bag home.

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