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   I'm now of age... My birthday was around three weeks ago. I've come to realise that my father doesn't care much for me. For as long as I can remember, I've been insignificant in his eyes. A mere burden with no other purpose except for the courtship that will eventually come my way. I am to find a wealthy man and marry him. It is my duty as the daughter to carry out my father's legacy and provide him with support and financial stability as he has taken care of me for the past 19 years. It is my duty as a form of respect for my father. It's not exactly easy for women at these times... For years before now and probably past this time, 1908... Women's job is to stay home, clean and look after children. My duty is to do as I am commanded. Respect and obedience are key...

Father has requested my presence... It's not a common occurrence for Father to request my presence, he isn't exactly fond of my existence. Ever since my mother's death, my father has loathed my existence. I don't necessarily blame him, after all... It was my fault. I sat on my bed, brushing my hands over the neatly placed sheets, a blank and unreadable expression plastered on my face. 

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