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   I stood on the edge of a balcony, looking out at the sun as Mateo held onto my hip. "It's as beautiful as you, y'know.." He whispered into my ear, a soft smile gracing my lips as I heard him. "You're corny..." I whispered back, feeling his hands leave my hips. I felt his presence step back slightly, earning a soft whine from my lips. I sighed softly and turned around ready to complain about his lack of touch. "Mateo I.." I paused, my eyes widening as I saw none other than Mateo, on his knee in front of me. The wind blew through his brown, curly hair, messing it up as he looked up at me.

    "Victoria, you have made me the happiest man I could ever be... Will you give me the pleasure of having you as my wife?" He whispered softly, his voice cracking slightly. I covered my eyes and let out a soft, happy sob, looking down at him and nodding. "Yes..." I whispered, watching as he stood up and slid the ring onto my finger. His hands took a gentle hold of my cheeks, making me look up at him as he wiped the tears away. "Do not cry, my love. It makes my heart ache when you cry..."

                                                                          End of part 1

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