Chapter 1 - A Courtship - Part 2

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    Her dinner would be delivered to her room that night, as her presence near her father had been forbidden as a punishment to her. The maids would knock on her door and open it, passing her her food and simply leaving. No interaction was allowed between Victoria or anyone else until the next Sun. Her Father knew this would be hell for her as she loved to talk to people and make friends. It was a large punishment and if she was to break it, god knows what her father would do. She'd finish her food and pass it out to the maids, whispering a 'thank you' and closing the door once more. Her room was dark and silent; not a word to be spoken and not a word to be heard. She simply showered, got dressed and sat on her bed. How she loathed the punishments her father created for her.

   He seemed to know her so well despite the fact they'd barely spoken over the past eight years. She sat still on her bed, her body motionless with the exception of her breathing. She kept her eyes closed and just sat there, not speaking, not crying, not angry. Just, calm. If she was going to be marrying someone, why not at least try instead of declining the offer straight away? Not that she could but that's beside the fact. She stayed like this until her inevitable slumber, letting herself fall asleep and drowning out all worries that crowded her for at least a few hours.

   The next morning came around quicker than they usually would, the bright rays of sunlight seeping through the crimson curtains that hung from her wall. She'd groan softly as she awoke, sitting up and rubbing her sapphire eyes. Her hair was unkempt and messy as if proving the sleep she had was adequate and rather pleasant. She slipped out of her bed and sheets, stretching her body and letting out a small yawn as she walked towards the bathroom. She got herself undressed and stood in front of the large mirror that hung on her wall, inspecting the bruises and marks that were left on her body.

   Victoria sighed softly and gently ran her hand through her black hair, showering and cleansing herself before she'd see her father one last time. This time would be different...

   She'd need to be presented to the best of her abilities, she'd chosen a long, blue dress the night before; placing it neatly on her chair ready for her in the morning. The dress perfectly complimented her thigh-length hair, the blue on the dress matching her eyes as well as framing her soft, feminine face. She slipped it on carefully and smoothed out any creases in the dress, neatening herself up and brushing her hair as she got ready to leave.

   Her maids carried her bags out to the vehicle awaiting her, placing them in and waiting for Victoria. Her father stood outside the manor, watching as her bags were packed away. His eyes shifted to his daughter, watching as she carefully walked down the stairs. Victoria looked over at her father, smiling weakly and holding her dress away from her feet as she walked. Father does not look impressed... Maybe he's sad I'm leaving? She stood in front of him and bowed, standing back up and looking at him blankly, awaiting his requests.

   "Victoria... You have presented yourself well for once. Congratulations." He said sarcastically, his gaze not exactly a glare but more an unimpressed stare. "Thank you, Father." She replied, her voice monotone and bland. I wish he'd love me... Her voice echoed inside her head, nagging at her to say something more to him. He simply nodded and gestured to the vehicle. "Go, Mr Kennedy is awaiting your arrival. I expect good things Victoria." These were the final words her father had said to her, not goodbye or I love you. But 'I expect good things.' Safe to say Victoria was less than thrilled at this. She sat in the back seat of the car, running her hands over the smooth, black leather seats. These are really nice...

   She was greeted by the sound of a man's voice coming from the front seat, upon further inspection it was clear this man was her butler, he'd be the one that drove her from place to place when need be. "Good morning Ms McCoy, it's lovely to meet you!" He smiled, looking at her from the rearview mirror. He's cheerful... She thought, smiling at him and nodding. "Uhm, yes... It's nice to meet you Mr...?" "Ah, my name is Greg." He began driving her to the Kennedy manor, occasionally glancing back at her to make sure she was okay. "Are you alright Ms McCoy?" He'd ask her, his eyes moving from the road, back to her face, giving her a warm and caring smile. 

   "O-oh... Yes, I'm alright Greg. Just a little nervous." He nodded and looked back to the road. She watched as the trees passed in a blur, her hands fiddling with the bottom of her dress as she watched. It took about an hour to get to the Kennedy Manor, the ride being completely silent throughout the entire drive. The manor was much larger than her own, looking much like a mansion instead of a manor. Her eyes widened in surprise and awe as she looked over the building, the white bricked walls perfectly matching the ferns and roses that stood in the front bushes. This is really amazing... I can't imagine how much work it'd take to maintain all of this...

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