Chapter 2 - Meeting the Kennedy Family

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Mr Kennedy was already waiting outside for her, accompanied by what appeared to be two maids. They took her bags inside as Victoria got properly introduced to Mr Kennedy, his tall, suited figure looking rather intimidating from where she was standing. "Victoria! Ah, how nice it is to finally meet you properly!" He smiled, walking towards her and kissing her cheek. What's this...? He's so very polite... She thought, smiling softly as he kindly welcomed her. "It's lovely to meet you, my dear, I'm afraid your father wasn't too keen on the whole Introduction thing." He chuckled, his voice deep and rather raspy as he spoke. "Uh, yes... My sincere apologies, my father is not really the introductory kind of person... He likes getting things over and done with, I'm afraid..." She sighed softly, following him as he walked inside. The manor's entrance was massive, the floors being a beautiful white marble that was matched with creamy white walls, the walls were lined with family and business photos as well as photos of employees. Victoria looked around in astonishment, smiling brightly and looking at Mr Kennedy. "Your house is beautiful sir..." She said just loud enough for him to hear her. "Thank you, my dear, now come on... Let's introduce you to my wife."

   Mr Kennedy showed Victoria around the manor, eventually bringing her to a large room decorated with white and red furniture, a beautiful woman was sitting by a piano and playing a song. Wow... She's amazing at that. She thought, looking up at Kennedy and smiling softly. He smiled back and carefully moved through the room, gently tapping on the woman's shoulder. She turned around and smiled at the sight of her husband, standing up and kissing his cheek, looking over to Victoria with a curious smile. "Is this our son's future wife...?" She smiled, walking towards her and gently cupping Victoria's cheeks, inspecting her carefully. "She's gorgeous Steve." Steve...

   That's his name... She took mental note of Mr Kennedy's name and smiled at his wife. "Thank you, Ma'am... It is an honour to hear that from a woman of your beauty." She gasped softly and smiled at Victoria. "And she's polite too! Please, sweetheart, call me Ruby." Victoria nodded and smiled happily, already liking it here more than she did her own home. Ruby pulled away from Victoria's face and sat down, patting the spot next to her and inviting her to sit down. "So tell me dear, what made you want to marry my son?" She asked, looking curiously at Victoria and holding onto her hand. "Oh, well... It wasn't really my decision, but I'll give it a try." She smiled softly, looking over Ruby's face and taking in her features. She had beautiful big, green eyes and long golden hair that sat perfectly against her face.

   "Oh is that so...?" Ruby hummed softly and gently squeezed her hand. "Well, I'll make sure you enjoy every little bit of this experience..." Victoria smiled happily and squeezed Ruby's hand back. "Thank you..." She smiled, looking around the room and noticing there was a boy that didn't look much older than her watching them. He was rather tall and had brown hair, sitting leant back against the chair he was sitting on with crossed arms.

   She couldn't tell if he was glaring at her or just watching her, but either way, she wasn't sure she liked the way he was looking at her. She chose to ignore him for a while, concentrating on Ruby and what she'd tell her. She was informed of how things worked around here, who to call when she needed help and where to find Ruby and Steve during the day. Ruby would most likely be in an art room, as she was a master of fine arts. And Steve, most of the time was out doing business but he could be found in the main study when he was there. Victoria was permitted anywhere around the manor as long as she was staying safe and informing people of where she would be, but the place that piqued her interest the most was the garden.

   Victoria had always liked gardens, it was her favourite place to be since her mother had died. She'd plant and maintain her mother's favourite flowers each day, never forgetting about them and always maintaining them. Her father would always watch from a window as she gardened, just watching.

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