Chapter 2 - Adoration and Vengeance.

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   The next morning came rather quickly, the small rays of sun seeping through the closed curtains as both Mateo and Victoria slept, tangled in each other's embrace. The streams of sunlight shone down onto Victoria's face, causing her to stir from her slumber. Her eyebrows furrowed and a soft whine escaped her parted lips. She sighed softly and slowly opened her eyes, a soft groan escaping her lips as the light flooded her tired eyes. She very gently pulled herself from Mateo's arms, making sure not to wake him.

    A small smile graced her lips as she looked down at him, gently brushing the hair from his face and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. Victoria carefully pulled the velvety sheets up and carefully tucked him in, allowing him to sleep for longer. "Sleep well, my love" she whispered softly, wandering to the window and shutting the curtains properly, preventing any light from flooding in and disturbing Mateo's peaceful rest.

    Victoria very quietly walked to their shared closet, choosing a simple outfit for the day and wandering to the bathroom. She took great care in making sure she didn't wake Mateo up, silently moving through the room and heading to the shower. She silently showered, cleaned up and got ready for the day. She made her way to the kitchen quietly, walking through the house silently and beginning to make them both some breakfast.

    Mateo stirred slightly as he felt Victoria pull away from him, but he remained blissfully asleep, his body still basking in the aftermath of their passionate night together. He doesn't wake up as she silently makes her way to the shower, his breathing steady and deep. Victoria quietly went about preparing breakfast in the kitchen, Mateo remained asleep, unaware of her actions. The scent of delicious food begins to fill the air, slowly rousing his senses.

    Mateo gradually became aware of the emptiness beside him and the enticing aroma that drifts into the room. His eyes flutter open, adjusting to the soft morning light filtering through the window. He stretches his limbs, feeling the pleasant ache in his muscles, evidence of the passionate night they both shared. With a contented sigh, Mateo rises from the bed, slipping into a pair of loose-fitting pants before making his way to the kitchen. His eyes land on Victoria, and a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he watches her move about, focused on preparing breakfast. "Morning, sunshine," he greets her, his voice still husky from sleep.

    Victoria glanced back at him and smiled softly, a soft peck pressing against his cheek. Her messy hair still seemed to frame her face perfectly, the way it fell over her cheeks and shoulders made her look as if she was always flawless. The morning light framed her complexion perfectly, bringing a slight light to her blue eyes. "Good morning, love. How'd you sleep?" She asked softly, her gaze flickering from the stove and then back to him. Mateo returned her soft smile, leaning into the gentle peck on his cheek. He brushes his fingers along her arm, savouring the moment of affection before turning to answer her question.

    "Like a damn baby," he says with a smirk, his voice filled with a hint of playfulness. "Must be something about the company I keep." He moves closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he leans against the counter, watching her with adoration in his eyes. The morning glow cast a warm glow on her features, accentuating her natural beauty. "You always manage to look stunning, even with that messy hair," he says, his voice filled with genuine adoration. "But tell me, what's on the menu this morning, I'm starving."

    She chuckles softly and rolls her eyes, looking back at him for a moment and smiling. "Ricotta hotcakes, my love." She said softly, her words barely above a whisper. She leans back against him and hums softly, a soft smile gracing her lips as they stay close. Mateo's arms tighten around her waist, savouring the feeling of her body against his as she leaned back into him. He presses a gentle kiss to the top of her head, his voice filled with warmth and affection.

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