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   It's been three years since I've been courted with Mateo, life has been nothing short of amazing. Today, we are getting married. Our love is to be recognised in the courts. I can't say I haven't been excited for this day. The church was set up beautifully, the white and lilac flowers that lined the centre row... The way the audience sat silently as I stood at the end of the aisle, Mateo's father by my side...

    This was a day I'd never forget...

    The soft sound of the piano filled my ears, the humming of the keys and the notes playing in harmony. My eyes scanned over the room, taking in the many eyes that watched as I carefully walked along the white marble floors. I could see the tears that glassed over Mateo's eyes, the way he attempted to hold back the overpowering emotions that threatened to make themselves known to the world.

    It definitely tugged at my heartstrings. The sound of my heels clicking against the marble floor resonated within the church, reminding me of my slow approach to my commitment to the man I loved dearly. I held back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes, soft sniffles emitting from beneath the veil I wore. I watched as Steve gently released my arm, allowing me to step forward onto the small pedestal where Mateo waited patiently.

    He took my hands in his, the rough calloused skin of his hands pressing against the soft, tender skin of my own hands, a contrast to the hard work and effort Mateo put into his duties. One of his hands slowly slid up to my veil, delicately lifting the gauze that shielded my face from view. His eyes softened as my delicate complexion was revealed, the porcelain look of my skin and the way my blue eyes threatened to spill the tears that permeated my eyes.

    A soft breath left my parted lips, an illustration of the emotions that engulfed my mind. My eyes met his in a dance of emotion and vulnerability, the silence that filled the room bearing way to the intense presence this day held over us both. Mateo's hand gently cupped my cheek, his thumb delicately brushing against the soft skin of my cheek; his lips parted as if he was about to say something, only for his body to betray him, allowing a soft croak to escape her lips instead.

    "You're as beautiful as the day I met you..." He whispered softly, a small smile gracing his lips as his eyes traced over my face once again, almost as if he was memorising my face once again. He cleared his throat slightly and glanced at the officiator that stood beside us, a smile gracing his lips as he looked at Mateo and myself.

    Mateo gave him a slight nod and he stepped forward, outstretching his hands and looking around at the audience. "Welcome family and friends." He began, his voice strong and commanding. "We have come together today to witness the promises in marriage of Victoria Mccoy and Mateo Alexander Kennedy. This commitment is between two people who love each other and wish to share each other's lives, who will grow and change for years to come, welcoming each other's growth with mutual love and respect. My name Is John Maxent, and I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law and to officiate at your marriage today. I take this opportunity to wish you both much happiness in your future lives together."

    The celebrant stood back for a moment and held onto a small book, letting his eyes scan over the crowd for a moment before he cleared his throat and looked at Mateo and myself. I could feel Mateo's hand tighten around my own, a promise of his presence here with me.

    Our eyes stayed pinned on the Celebrant, listening attentively as he got ready to speak. "Victoria and Mateo, do you declare before me and before your witnesses here present, that you came here voluntarily and without reservation and that you are free by law to be married to each other today?"

    He spoke, his eyes flickering between Mateo and myself, to which we both responded with a gentle, yet confident, "I do." The celebrant nodded and cleared his throat, looking into our eyes once again and then up to the audience.

    "Before you two are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life."

    Mateo and I nodded in agreement, our eyes flickering from each other for a moment then back to the Celebrant. The celebrant nodded and allowed the reading of our vows. I watched as Mateo took a step back, a soft breath escaping his lips as he looked into my eyes.

    "I call upon the people present here to witness that I, Mateo, take you, Victoria, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love you, care for you and cherish you just as you have to me..."

    He paused for a moment and let out a shaky breath. I could feel the tears in my eyes slowly sliding down my face, leaving my cheeks streaked with the residue from the tears. "Victoria, in the three years that we've been together, you've been nothing short of the most wonderful and caring woman I could ever ask for. You've taken care of me and looked after me in my toughest times. You've always been there for me and I am proud to now call you my wife." Mateo said through a shaky breath, the small tears racing down the slope of his cheek.

    I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks, the smile on my face a protest against the tears. I gently took one of Mateo's hands, my free hand finding sanctuary on his cheek. "I call upon the people present here to witness that I, Victoria, take you, Mateo, to be my lawful wedded wife. I promise to love you, care for you and cherish you just as you have to me..." I whispered softly through soft breaths. "You have protected me and helped me through things that I couldn't have gone through by myself. You have been the support that I have needed for so long. And for that, I am so grateful to be the one you call your wife... I couldn't have asked for a better husband." We stood with our hands interlocked, our eyes locked together as we shared this emotional moment.

    "Victoria and Mateo have chosen to exchange rings as an outward symbol of their commitment and love to each other. The band of the wedding ring represents everlasting love, the ring a never-ending circle with no beginning and no end," The celebrant called out, Mateo held onto my ring, gently holding onto my hand and sliding it delicately onto my finger. "Victoria, accept this ring with all my love..." Mateo whispered, his voice gentle and soft as he lifted my hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. I let out a soft breath and nodded, taking hold of his hand and sliding the matching ring onto his finger. "Mateo, accept this ring with all my love, and everything that I am..."

    "Ladies and gentlemen, children, family and friends, Victoria and Mateo have declared before all of us that they now wish to live and love together in marriage. Let us hope this day will form a milestone in your lives, one that you will look back upon with much joy and happiness. It therefore gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife. Congratulations, you may now both kiss, if you wish." The celebrant said with a bright smile, stepping back and smiling.

    Mateo's hands held tightly onto my hands, pulling me flush against his body, his hand moving to cup my hip as his lips pressed against mine in a firm and passionate kiss. We listened as the audience called out with cheers and yells of delight, clapping and cheering resonating and bouncing off the walls around us. 

A Match Made in HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora