Chapter 3 - The Boss

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   Victoria's back slammed against the harsh metal floor of the van, her body tensing and contorting as the stab of pain spread through her body, causing her to let out a cry of pain. Her breathing and cries were muffled by the rough fabric that had been forced over her mouth. The smell of blood, alcohol and cigarettes engulfed her scent, overwhelming her as she looked around. Her hands and ankles had been tied by her kidnappers, limiting her ability to move around or have any chance of escaping. There were two other men sitting in the back of the van with her, their harsh, cold gazes staring her down almost threateningly. Their postures radiated a threatening aura, a reminder that she was undoubtedly disposable. Their gazes sent shivers down her spine, the sheer harshness and coldness of these men casting a panic over Victoria. She could feel the van start to drive off, leaving her vulnerable, alone and in the hands of these strangers.

    The rain barreled onto the van as it sped along the road, turning corners and throwing Victoria around slightly, causing her to hit the walls. The men who sat with her chuckled and snickered at the sounds of her pained cries. They'd glance between each other and then back to her, sneering and watching as her body trembled in pain. Their eyes pierced into her throughout the drive, their demeanour never once softening or offering mercy. It was only when the vehicle came to a permanent stop; did they hold onto her arms harshly and drag her out of the van.

    Victoria hit the ground with a harsh thud, a small hiss of pain escaping her lips as her body was progressively bruised and battered. The two men held her by the arms and dragged her inside a large warehouse, taking no care of the injuries she sustained in the process. They moved silently through the halls of the building, dragging her into a dark room and throwing her onto the cold, concrete floor. Her eyes scanned the room, taking in the desk and office furniture that decorated half of the room. The room smelled of cigarettes and alcohol, a more pleasant scent than the initial blood and iron smell of the van she was transported in.

    Her eyes narrowed as a man clad in a black suit walked into the room, silently closing the door behind him and walking past her. He stood in front of the desk, staring down at her through cold eyes, watching as she sat on her knees, restrained and shuddering under the cold air. His greyish-green eyes focused on her and her exposed skin, a look of distaste and hate resting on his tanned face.

    He clicked his tongue and stood back up, striding over to a liquor cellar and pouring himself a glass of whiskey. His movements were elegant and centred on poise and power, the way he moved in silence brought a certain lingering tension to Victoria that moulded with the fear and distress that she was experiencing. There was no smile, no smirk, no hint of emotion as he stared down at her, never once allowing even a small hint of comfort to relieve Victoria of her stress.

    "So you must know why you're here?" He started coldly, his voice deep and threatening as his gaze pierced through her. "I suggest not lying, it's boring for me and it won't go well for you. Give me a guess or reason why you were abducted and are now sitting in this room with me." Victoria's eyes flickered up to him, watching as his black hair shaded his face in a menacing way. Her words caught in her throat for a moment, causing her to stumble as she attempted to speak. Her breath hitched slightly and her face paled, her body trembling slightly as she attempted to speak or give a reason as to why she was there. "Speak, woman. I don't have all day." He hissed, his eyes narrowing as she failed to answer him. She flinched slightly and cleared her throat, letting out a breath and glancing up at him. "I don't know... I don't know who you are or why I'm here..." She muttered, her breathing shaky and weak as she spoke.

    The man stared coldly at Victoria's trembling form before him, his cold eyes revealing nothing but icy calculation. "It seems your father-in-law has forgotten who truly rules this city." he says softly, though his voice carries an unspoken threat. "He thought he could betray me and steal what is mine without consequence. But now he will learn, he and his son will suffer, and you, my dear... Will be the object of their demise." He grinned sickly, moving forward and gripping her chin harshly, forcing her to look up at him. "Your husband has caused my family great losses. Many of my men are now dead because of his actions. Retribution is necessary." His eyes narrowed slightly.

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