Chapter 3 - Challenge

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    The next morning came around quickly, Victoria had been awakened by the sound of birds chirping outside of her window and rain falling against the roof and the ground outside. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, yawning softly and stretching. Hopefully today she could try and talk to Mateo again. She showered and cleaned herself off, slipping on a simple sundress for the day. She walked down the stairs and into the living quarters, greeting everyone as she walked. She arrived at the living quarters and saw Mateo and Ruby sitting down together. This should be a good opportunity to speak to Mateo... She thought, smiling brightly and sitting down with them both. "Good morning!"

     She said cheerfully, smiling at them both and crossing her hands over her lap. As expected, Mateo only glanced at her, not saying a word to her as he looked away. "Good morning sweetheart. How was your first sleep here?" Ruby asked, glaring at Mateo as he didn't greet her. "It was wonderful Ruby. Thank you for asking." She hummed, glancing back at Mateo as he stared at her, a rather unfriendly look on his face. He really is pleasant... "Ah, Victoria... Today I have to leave the manor so I hope you don't mind being left with Mateo. I'm sure he'll take good care of you. Won't you Mateo?" She seethed, glaring at him as he rolled his eyes. "Yes, Mother..."

     "No, that shouldn't be a problem, Ruby." She smiled politely, bowing her head to her. "Good, now... I must be on my way. Don't destroy anything while I'm gone." Victoria nodded and watched as Ruby walked away as well as Mateo, getting up and following after him. "Hey wait! Shouldn't we get to know each other?" She asked, walking beside him. He didn't even glance at her, keeping his eyes straight forward as he walked along the hallways. "And why would I need to do that?" She shrugged and sighed softly. "I just thought it'd be a good idea." She hummed softly as he walked along, waiting for his response. He had stopped walking and turned to look at her, a slight hint of disgust on his face. "Why would I want to do that?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes at her.

     "W-well... Since we're getting married and all." He tightly grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her towards him, "Listen to me and listen well. I don't want to marry you. I don't want to see you, I don't want to hear you, I don't want to know you. You understand me?" She quickly nodded and felt him let go of her wrist, walking away again and glancing back to see her standing still and holding her wrist. Great... This'll be fun.

      She sighed softly and looked at the bruise that had formed on her wrist, groaning softly and walking back to her bedroom. She tended to the bruise and decided to read some more of her book, as it was still raining so there was no way she could get outside to the garden. Her eyes would trail over the white, ink-covered pages, reading the words one by one as her finger softly traced the edge of her paper. Reading was another thing she liked, it was a way to get away from the real world and the problems it brought.

     Each book was like a new adventure, a new experience for her. She'd read books all day if her body wouldn't deteriorate with the lack of exercise and sun. She'd choose a new book every few weeks, always making sure the books she returned were perfectly placed. It was lucky this manor had a library, she didn't think she'd be able to cope without books. She was close to finishing this book, with only a few pages remaining as she continued to eliminate them one by one. By that afternoon, her book had come to an end, sighing happily as she'd finished yet another adventure. Now it was time to go pick out another book.

     She hummed softly and opened her door, stepping out and making her way towards the library, bumping into Mateo as she was walking. "Oh sorry-" She was interrupted by him yelling at her, telling her to watch where she was going. "You should pay attention, it's rude to touch people without their permission." He growled, brushing himself off and stepping back. "Uh yes, my apologies. I'm just heading to the library." She looked up at him with an apologetic look, bowing her head to him and standing up straight.

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