Chapter 8 - Trapped in the Mouth of the Snake

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"Boss, They're here..."

    Max grinned wickedly, taking hold of his gun and taking a fistful of Victoria's hair, grinning when she grunted and let out a cry of pain. His grip on her tightened, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and sadistic pleasure. He had been waiting for this moment, relishing in the opportunity to stay with Mateo's emotions and strike fear in his heart.

    A sinister smirk played on his lips as he pressed the gun against Victoria's temple, his eyes fixed on the entrance to the base. The sound of gunshots echoed through the air, signalling the chaos that Mateo and his squad were unleashing against his henchman. He revelled in the violence, basking in the scent of fear and desperation that filled the room. Each gunshot only fueled his excitement, reminding him of the power he held over Mateo's loved ones. Max's gaze never wavered as he listened to the distant sounds of battle. He knew that Mateo was coming for Victoria, driven by his love and determination to save her. But Max had a plan, a twisted game to play.

    He leaned in close to Victoria's ear, his voice low and filled with sadistic delight. "Can you hear that, Victoria? That's the sound of your beloved Mateo's desperation. He thinks he can save you, but little does he know, I hold all the cards." His grip on Victoria tightened, his fingers curling possessively around her arm. "You see, Mateo will have to make a choice. He can either sacrifice himself and let you live, or he can watch as I pull this trigger and end your life right in front of his eyes. Either way, he will suffer."

    Max's eyes gleamed with a twisted satisfaction as he awaited Mateo's arrival, eager to witness the torment and anguish that would consume him.

    Mateo's heart pounded in his chest as he rushed through the dimly lit corridors of the base, his senses heightened and his focus razor-sharp. He could hear the distant sounds of gunshots and chaos that ensued outside, but his sole objective was to find Victoria and get her out of there.

    As he navigated through the hallways, Mateo's mind raced with a mix of determination and fear. He knew that time was of the essence, and he couldn't let doubt creep in. Victoria's life depended on his unwavering resolve. The air grew thick as enemy troops closed in, their footsteps echoing through the empty corridors. Mateo's grip tightened around his weapon, his instincts honed from years of training taking over. He moved swiftly and silently, avoiding detection as he made his way closer to the heart of the base.

    His senses heightened, Mateo listened for any signs of Victoria's presence. He knew that Max would be playing his sadistic games, using her as a pawn to torment him. But Mateo refused to let fear consume him. He had faced countless challenges before, and this would be no different. As he turned a corner, his heart skipped a beat. There she was, bound and vulnerable, with Max holding a gun to her head. Mateo's blood turned to ice, but he refused to let panic cloud his judgement.

    With steely determination, Mateo took a step forward, his voice firm and resolute. "Max, let her go, this ends now." His grip tightened around his weapon, his fingers poised on the trigger. He locked eyes with Max, his gaze filled with anger and resolve. "Run, Mateo!" Victoria screamed, wincing as Max forced the gun harsher against her head. She shook her head as Mateo listened to Max's demands and put his gun on the ground, kicking it away and staring into Max's eyes. "No, no no! MATEO RUN!" She screamed, her eyes filling with tears as she watched one of Max's troops silently stand behind Mateo, aiming their gun at him. She cried and tried to get out of Max's grip with what little strength she had.

    Mateo's heart sank as he watched Victoria. He locked eyes with Max, a mixture of anger and helplessness swirling within him. He knew he had to make a choice, and it tore him apart. He watched as the tears flowed down Victoria's face, the sound of her cries and screams filling the room as she pleaded for Mateo to save himself. Reluctantly, Mateo agreed with Max, dropping his gun to the ground and kicking it away. He stared defiantly into Max's eyes, refusing to let fear consume him. But as the henchman silently aimed his gun at him, he felt a sense of impending doom.

    "No, Victoria! I won't leave you!" Mateo shouted, his voice filled with anguish. He tried to rush towards her, but the henchman's presence stopped him dead in his tracks. The realisation of Max's victory hit him like a tidal wave, crashing down upon him with a force he couldn't comprehend. He felt his knees weaken, a mix of rage and despair consuming him.

    Max grinned triumphantly as he watched Victoria's desperate pleas fall on deaf ears. He tightened his grip on her, relishing in the futile attempts to escape. The fear in her eyes only added to the sadistic pleasure. "Run?" Max chuckled, his voice dripping with a sadistic amusement. "Oh, my dear, Victoria, it's too late for that. You see, your precious Mateo has found himself trapped in the mouth of the snake, just as I told you he would." He glanced at the henchman standing behind Mateo, a wicked smile forming on his lips.

    As Max announced his triumph with a grin, Mateo's eyes locked with Victoria's fear-filled gaze. He wanted to comfort her, to promise that he would find a way to save her, but his voice caught in his throat. The weight of failure pressed heavily against him. In that moment, Mateo felt a surge of determination rise within him. He may have lost the battle, but he wouldn't stop until Victoria was safe and back in his arms, safe from Max's sadistic grip. But for now, he could only watch, his heart breaking as the henchman closed in on him, sealing his fate.

    Victoria screamed and pleaded for him to leave, tears flowing down her face and her body trembling in Max's grip. How could he do this to her? She couldn't do this without him. She grunted softly and elbowed Max's face, momentarily getting away and kicking Mateo's gun back to him, giving him enough time to land a shot.

    Max grunted in pain as Victoria's elbow connected with his face, momentarily stunning him and causing him to lose his grip. He stumbled back, his hands instinctively going towards his face, allowing Victoria to kick Mateo's gun back towards him. Mateo seized the opportunity, quickly grabbing his gun and taking aim. He fired a shot, hitting Max in the lower abdomen, causing him to scream out in agony. But, before Mateo could celebrate his victory, he felt a searing pain in his back.

    Mateo fell to the ground, his vision blurring as he struggled to stay conscious. He could hear the sounds of Max's henchman rushing to his side, their footsteps growing distant as they made their escape. As the darkness threatened to consume him, Mateo's thoughts drifted back to Victoria. He hoped she was safe, that she had somehow managed to escape the chaos that surrounded them. He silently vowed to himself that he would find her, no matter what it took.

    With a final burst of energy, Mateo dragged himself towards Victoria, determined to get her out of there. The pain in his back was excruciating, but he refused to let it get him to stop. He had a promise to keep, and he wouldn't let anything get in his way.

    Everything seemed to slow down as Mateo got shot. Victoria's eyes widened and she let out a blood curdling scream, rushing to Mateo's side and holding tightly onto his hand, glancing up at Max and his henchman left. She cried and tightly held onto him, trying to get the bleeding to stop. "No.. No no no, come on, Mateo. Don't do this to me! I don't want to be alone... I don't want to be alone, please don't leave me. Please.. I just want you by my side.." She sobbed, holding onto him tightly as her tears fell onto him. She was scared, scared to be alone. "Steve!" She screamed, calling for his dad.

    Despite the pain wracking his body, Mateo's thoughts were only on Victoria. He could feel her trembling hand in his, her tears falling onto his face. He wanted to comfort her, to tell her that everything would be okay, but the darkness was closing in, consuming him. With a final burst of energy, Mateo managed to raise his hand and place it on her stomach. He could feel a faint flutter of life within her, a reminder of the love they shared. He smiled weakly at her, his voice barely above a whisper.

    "You look beautiful pregnant," Mateo mumbled, watching as her face contorted with confusion. "W-What... M-Mateo?" She whispered softly. "I know a change on you.. You're my wife, after all," he whispered, his eyes closing as the darkness surrounded him. His last thoughts were of Victoria, of the life they created together, and the future that lay ahead. He hoped that She would find a way to escape the darkness that had surrounded them both, and that they would be reunited once again.

    As Mateo slipped into unconsciousness, he could hear Victoria's screams and desperate cries for help, her pleas for his father to come rescue them. He prayed that his father would come and rescue them both. And just as the darkness threatened to consume him, he heard the sound of his father's voice, calling out to them both. He felt a sense of relief, knowing that they would be saved. 

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