Chapter 6 - Lingering at the edge

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   Victoria's heartbeat quickened at the sight of Max by her side in the hospital, the cruel smirk plastered on his face. She panicked and let out a soft whine, her body much too frail, fatigued and injured to allow her to do anything other than cry. Max's expression remained cold and unaffected by Victoria's distress. He leaned against the wall, arms still crossed, and looked at her with a detached gaze. "Save your tears, Victoria. They won't change a thing. You should be grateful I saved your life. After all, it was my generosity that kept you alive during that coma."

    Her eyes teared up and she stared at the ceiling for a moment. "I don't have to be grateful for anything." She whispered huskily, her voice hoarse and broken from all the screaming. "You did this to me. You and those monsters. I have nothing to be grateful for, nothing to thank you for. You are nothing but a snake." Max's eyes flickered with a brief hint of annoyance but he quickly regained his composure. He pushed himself off the wall and took a step closer to her, his voice dripping with venom. "Ah, Victoria, still so naive. You think I did this to you? No, my dear, it was your husband's actions that led us here. He thought he could betray me and get away with it. You were merely collateral damage in this little game of ours." He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper.

    "Remember, Victoria: I am not the snake. Your husband, Mateo, is the one who slithered his way into my business, stealing what was rightfully mine. And now, you're caught in the crossfire. So, you can hate me all you want, but remember who the real villain is in this story."

    Victoria could barely do anything except sob, lacking the willpower or the motivation to do much more. "You're wrong... You're the snake. You're the no-good bastard." She whispered, her words igniting with that same small flicker of determination from earlier. "You can try to hurt Mateo... To get to our family. But no matter how hard you try, you'll always fail." She whispered hoarsely. Max's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin. He clenched his fists, his voice becoming harsher. "Your delusions of loyalty are quite amusing, Victoria. But let me make one thing clear: I do not fail. I always get what I want, no matter the cost. Your feeble attempts to protect your family and husband are futile. They will suffer the consequences of his actions, just as you have." He took a step back, a cold smirk playing on his lips. "I suggest you save your energy for what's to come, Victoria. You'll need it."

    She let out a soft whimper and leaned her head back, her blue eyes closing and her brows furrowing in pain and annoyance. She so desperately wanted to do more, to help more than what she was. But this man was relentless. And things were getting progressively worse for her, just as he'd promised. "You're wrong..." She whispered weakly. Max scoffed dismissively, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "Wrong? Oh, Victoria, you still don't understand. You're weak, helpless, and at my mercy. Your feeble attempts to resist are nothing more than a pathetic display of defiance. You have no power here. Accept your fate and save yourself the futile struggle" he turned away, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your delusions won't change the reality of the situation. And remember, Victoria. It was your husband who brought this upon you. He is responsible for your suffering." And with that, he turned away, leaving Victoria alone in the hospital.

    Deep down, she wanted to deny it, to refuse that this happened because of Mateo. But she really didn't know what to think. Her mind had been plagued by the torture and the torment she'd experienced. She lay on the hospital bed and stared at the ceiling, her eyes filling with tears as she tried to think of a way to get out, a way to save herself from the pain that seemed to have no ending. She watched as he left her alone, closing the door and locking it behind him, leaving her to her pain and sorrow.

    Max took pleasure in her suffering, revelling in the power he held over her. As he walked away, a twisted sense of satisfaction washed over him. The pain she endured, and the tears she shed, were all a testament to his control. He knew she was trapped, both mentally and physically, with no way out. He continued down the sterile hospital corridor, his steps echoing, leaving her to her despair. To him, she was nothing more than a pawn in his game, a means to end. And, in that moment, he revelled in his triumph, relishing in a cold sense of satisfaction that came with the control he had over her.

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