Chapter 5 - Desire and Self-control

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    He deepened the kiss and ran a hand through her hair, pulling back after a long moment and groaning softly. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..." He muttered, brushing a hand over her cheek and pulling her in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around her and holding her close. "We can't do this yet... We're not married, It'd be frowned upon." She whispered, pulling back and looking away, feeling the blush on her face radiate heat.

    He frowned softly and nodded, holding her against him. "I want you so bad..." He groaned, leaning his head against hers, her eyes shut tightly as they held each other. "We mustn't... It would be against the rules, we'd disappoint our parents." She said with a soft sigh, pulling back from him and holding onto his hand. "Come on... Let's go eat something."

    She smiled softly and led him out into the kitchen, making them some food as he sat down and watched her, his eyes trailing over her body. She finished making them some food and passed a plate to him, sitting down next to him and smiling softly. "I hope you like the food." She smiled and ate her food, glancing over at him occasionally.

    He sat in silence and ate her food, smiling happily with each bite as he noticed she was looking at him. "This food is amazing." He smiled sweetly, taking another bite and finishing it all.

    "Thank you!" She smiled, washing both of their plates and stacking them. He took a hold of her hand again and smiled at her. "Would you like to go swimming?" He asked, looking down at her and grinning. She nodded quickly and her face lit up, practically jumping with joy as he asked her. "I'd love to! I haven't been swimming in so long! Let me get changed."

    She smiled, letting go of his hand and running off to her room. She chose a pair of swimmers and quickly got changed, slipping a robe on top to cover herself as they walked around. He was waiting patiently outside her door, smiling brightly as she walked out. He took hold of her hand again and looked down at her. "Are you ready to go?" He'd ask, watching as she nodded and started walking. She followed him around the manor and outside to a large pool, opening the gate for her and watching her walk in.

    Victoria looked around and then back to him, watching as he slipped off his shirt, a dark blush forming on her face as her eyes trailed up and down his body. "Like what you see...?" He chuckled, smiling proudly and flexing for her.

    Yes... I definitely do.

    She thought, quickly looking away and covering her eyes. "No!" She yelled, blushing deeply and looking away.

    He chuckled and shook his head, slipping into the pool and waiting for her. She took off her robe and turned around, looking at him and blushing as she noticed he was staring at her. She got into the pool and shuddered as the cold water engulfed her body, letting out a soft sigh of relief and looking over at him. He splashed her and grinned, poking a tongue out at her and chuckling.

    His eyes trailed over her small body, watching as she held her head above the water. "Do you like swimming?" He asked, swimming around and holding her hips, helping her stay above the water. Victoria's eyes trailed over his body, smiling softly and nodding. "Yes, I don't get to swim much though." She huffed, resting her hands on his shoulders. He nodded and moved around the pool, holding her close to his body as they swam together. His eyes rested on her body, a soft blush resting on his face as he got lost in his thoughts.

    His hands trailed up and down her hips, holding her close and sitting her on the edge of the pool. She looked down at him with lust-filled eyes, biting down softly on her lip and running a hand through his hair as she watched him. Victoria shuddered slightly as she felt his hands trailing up and down her thighs, gently squeezing them and trailing kisses along the outside of her thighs. "Mateo... Please, give me more..." She'd whisper, looking down at him with pleading eyes, her face a deep red as she watched him touch her.

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