Adding to tumblr ???

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Hello my readers and followers I had been planning on adding this book to my tumblr, as there a avatar fandoms on there as well and I can have my book on second platform as well. I have this book backup on a document for safety, so I was wondering how everyone will feel if I added this book to my tumblr to share with other avatar fans out there. There have been some glitches that on here that have made some issues, so I might be using tumblr and maybe future Ao3 account to share my work. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask me, i don't know when this book will be or if it will be added to tumblr yet but if anyone will love to see on tumblr please comment and vote.

I don't know if I will be adding this to tumblr as I'm still thinking it over, and trying to come up with a plan. It might just stay on here until it fully completed. I had made this announcement just in case I do, so everyone know it will be somewhere else for reading if that day comes.

I will still be updating on here for my avatar stories, and trying to get them all completed by the end of this year or half way through next year we will see.

There will be another update this month as I'm still working on it, and there are some other stuff I'm working on as well.

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