I feel like a mother: 'Alan's First Day!'

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Alan's POV

"Alan! Rise and shine! Senior year doesn't begin everyday!"
My mum was an unbearably cheerful woman, I can't see how excited she could be. Who in their right mind would look forward to waking up with less than 6 hours sleep and spending the day with the lowest life form: High School Students.

I kicked back my bedding and groaned, that was enough for her to think I was awake;
"Good on you Al!" She trotted down stairs, her shoes clicking annoyingly on the wooden floor.

I rubbed my eyes walking towards my draw of clothes, pulling out some black skinny jeans that I and ripped on the tuning pegs of my guitar last year but where still socially acceptable to wear and a dark red t-shirt. I think I've got a hoodie downstairs.

I didn't really care what I looked like, as long as I could see past my ginger fringe all was fine.

Unfortunately some people disagreed. I got picked on a bit. Until last year it was bearable but once the main 'emo fag' dropped out of school I was promoted. I didn't really let it get to me; you can only call someone a 'fag' so many times right? I did however, hate the physical torment. My only muscles came from playing guitar and you can't exactly shred your enemies to death. My bruises had healed well over the summer so I could wear short sleeve shirts ect. I was getting better at fighting back and ignoring the a*sshole's picking on me but I still didn't have my mother's permanent optimism.

I grabbed my phone and my headphones. The essential school equipment. Pulling the headphones under my shirt, in full douchebag mode. I only did this so I could keep my headphone in during class, my hair was long enough to conceal them from where my shirt-collar was.

Going downstairs, in hope of some breakfast I thought about who would be at school, the main bullies name was David and he had a few little sidekicks, basically all the stoners who smelt like weed to much to go to class. David wasn't like them though, he was the captain of the football team. Cliché, right? The captain of the football team beats up the music kid everyday...though I didn't have a super hero to come and save me like the stories.

Why dwell on the rough patches, my best friend, Aaron would probably be at school if he remember that summer had ended. He often forgot important events. When I say forgot I mean he didn't tell his parents so they would let him skip or stay home longer. His parents were chiller than mine, who believed everyday at school was a gift from whatever god and that we should be thankful for everyday day we spend on this beautiful earth! Ugh.

My mother handed me a plate of toast as I sat down at the breakfast bar, she was nice like this, always making sure I had food and other things. She had even packed my backpack last night when I was playing guitar. It was nice of her but I'm not 5 anymore so I don't really need so many gel pens, I'll have to get them out before I head off.

I chomped down my toast and got my hoodie, also predicted it was downstairs. It was 8:15 and school started at 9:00, so I'd better start walking.
"Bye Mum!Thanks for the toast" I said, swinging my backpack onto my back
"Bye Al. Be safe, Learn lots and have fun."
"I will!"
I walked out to the front door, pulling my hoodie up to block the wind. My school was only a few blocks from here, not exactly a 30 minute walk but I liked being early. My suburb was nice enough to walk through, all the houses had council-regulation picket fences so it looked like a kind of cage around the houses between each road. It looked like a never ending circuit of picket fences trapping all the houses inside. I'm sure most people don't think that, they probably think it's looks nice and neater. I don't really know but I feel like if you got rid of the houses then the place would just be an animal pen.

I arrived at my school at 8:45 and looked around, a few freshmen were here, one trying desperately to open their lockers. I walked over to him and kicked it, so it flung open.
"They're just a bit stiff." I said
"Th-thank you." He looked scared. I hope my tired face and many hair didn't make him think I was on drugs or something. I'm gonna play it cool.
"No problem. Do you know what class you have first?"
"Uh. English in room 00.1"
"Uh. In room one of the ground floor. That's the first room on your right down this corridor."
"Th-thank you." He said again. He was still tense so I thought I'd leave,
"See ya round."

I walked off to find the Deputy Principle's office and ask for my time table.
I walked past a few more freshmen, some of the girl looked a little shocked, like they had never seen a 17 year old boy before.
Well ladies if you want a muscle-man who cared about their appearance then you'd have to wait for David to show up.

I knocked on the door and the DP called for me to come in.
"Hello Mr.McKinnon. I was wondering where I could pick up my timetable for this semester?"
"Right here. Ashby, right?"
"Yes. Alan Ashby."
He shuffled through a filling cabinet and pulled out a timetable with ASHBY, ALAN ANTHONY on it.
"Here you go. You have two free periods today, 5th and 6th and a 4th period lunch. You lucky duck might be able to cut the day short."
"Thank you Mr.McKinnon."

I took the paper and left, my locker number was at the top, under my name: 203.
I went to the senior corridor where all the '200's were.
It was right at the start of the corridor, fortunately so I didn't have to walk so far to escape once the bell rang. Though today I get to leave early anyway so, that's a perk. The locker was nice and clean but something tells me soon enough 'FAG' or 'LOS3R' or some other, incorrectly spelled insult will be scrawled there. The real insult was the lack of grammar to be perfectly honest.

I undid my locker using the combination on the sheet of paper. I shoved my bag inside and got out my pencil case, which, thank god had no gel-pens in it. I checked my time table to see I had AP ENGLISH, then MUSIC then AP MATHEMATICS.
Great. I didn't want to sign up for AP MATHS but my mother insisted I try it out, because she wants me to be something important. Like a doctor. Well my grades are probably gonna dry up but my fear of blood won't so I don't think she's being reasonable.

More people had arrived, it was 8:55 and no sight of Aaron. Crafty bastard. He could probably shrug school off for at least a week if he didn't come in today. Looking over to see who was near my locker I saw some of the main 'groups'. You could sort them out easily by what was their biggest feature:
-Big fringe ('emo's and music geeks).These were my people.
-Big backpacks (nerds).
-Big egos (jocks and other popular kids, boys maybe)
-Big lips (popular girls who thought Kylie Jenner was an appropriate fashion icon.)
-Big bags under their eyes (the stoners, which make up a majority of this school)

Maybe this is a little judgmental but hey, life is like that. I got my books for my first class when someone opened the locker next to me.
I guess I must have looked too startled or something because he looked directly at me then extended a hand:
"Uh, hey. I'm Carlile. Austin Carlile."
"Hi. Alan Ashby."
"So, Ashby..." Great. He was an asshole who called people by their last names. Maybe I am really judgemental.
"What is your first class?"
"AP English."
"With Ms.G?"
"Yeah. You got the same?"
We compared our subjects, we both had English and Music in common.
"Uh, wanna head to class?" He said when the bell rung, with no sign of Aaron I agreed.

Walking up stairs I glanced at Austin a but, he was a good head taller than me, with his hair cut short. It suited him. He was really tall and lean, like he had been stretched out. I wasn't too short but compared to Austin I was like a doll. Not cool.

We got to our class and saw something horrid stuck to the wall.

Seating Plan.

Please, I'm 17 years old I can learn to sit down.

I checked it, huzzah! I was up the back of the class with...Austin.

It was alphabetical, by last name. The rows were 4x6. Myself, Austin, a boy who's first name I didn't know but his name was Biersack and a girl called Ashley up the back.
She was too preppy, and liked One Direction. She was a lost soul, there was no saving her from the gates of Pop Hell.

We took our seats.
Austin and I as far as possible, which was good. I wasn't too keen on making more friends or maybe I'm just judgemental.

Well this is it.
Hope y'all like it and my other (completed) Fic.

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