I find Cashby too cute for coherent words.

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We and driven to the creek, running along a bike path.
This meant we had it get out of the car.

We walked down the slope to the actually water was. I didn't slip which was miraculous.
It was a very pretty scene, with the shallow water running through rocks. The overhanging canopy of branches blocked out a fair bit if light, so the water had little sparkly spots, where the moon was being reflected in. We couldn't stargaze like Austin had suggested but I think this was better.
Austin took my hand. We'd never held hands.
I am breaking every rule about not acting like a 14 year old girl and her first boyfriend.
Austin, my hand in his lead me to a rock, so we could sit without getting wet or muddy.

"As much as I'm enjoying holding your hand, I want to eat and I need both hands." He said, chucking as he dropped my hand.
"You know, you have really nice hands. Nice and soft."
Was this creepy or,
"Your hands kind of...."
"Aren't nice and soft?"
"Yeah. What do you do?"

I decided it was inappropriate to make a joke about me jerking off a lot.

"I play guitar. It messes with my hands a little."
"Guitar? You'll have to play for me someday."

I sighed, and we both watched the water, it was quite tranquil. Aside the smell of Mexican food.
"Is this a date?" Austin asked abruptly.
"If you want it to be." I don't have any clue.
"Good. Then it's our first date."
"My first first date."
"Yup. So forgive me if I have no idea what to do."
"We could play 20 questions."
"Haha. Then what?" I winked.
Austin laughed, he probably spent just as much time as I did seeing boys push their limits with girls they barely new.
"Seriously though, quick fire questions. I don't know much about you except you like good music and are very handsome."
I blushed at the handsome bit. Such a gentleman.

"Okay. Favorite colour?" He asked.
"Uh. Black."
"Not judging but I totally called that."
"What's yours?"
"Favorite animal?" He asked again
"Uh. Is it bad to say orangutan?" I liked orangutans, I didn't so like the nickname 'ranga' as much. It isn't ginger peoples fault that orangutans are ginger too!
"No. Surprising choice though. Mine's probably a dog."
"Do you have a dog?"
"No. My Dad's allergic to the fur. Disney or Nickelodeon?"
"Uh. Nickelodeon?" I don't know. I'm trying to to be a little girl and he's asking me about kid's TV channels.

"No. Disney. Do you know how many princess there are?"
I paused.
"Oh My God. If liking Disney makes you gay, I'm bigger flaming homo than I already am!"
I smiled, at his sudden defence of Disney and how he admitted to being gay.
He wasn't done:
"Next time I see you I'm gonna make you watch a princess film!"
"I look forward to it," I said, finally getting a word between his rants.
We sat and talked, our food eaten.Our questions going off topic a bit till Austin checked him watch.
"So I have 30 minutes to get you home."
"Cliche as if is, I don't want to get up."
"Neither. But I think it's because my legs have fallen asleep."
I chuckled, then stood up. Austin following.
I, yes I actually made a move, I grabbed his hand and we walked to his car, parked at the top of the slope.

He was smiling at me again, and I could help but do the same, my normally harsh face cracked into a smile. He had such a cute smile. Cute was the only way to describe it.

We returned to his car, he slowly let go of my hand and went to the driver's side of the car.
"I'm gonna turn on the heater cause it's getting kind of chilly."
The heater literally roared, then spluttered and restarted silently.
"So yeah. I'm just gonna go for the 100% cliche speech of how I had so much fun tonight, cause I did and want to see you again." Austin said.
"Well I'm gonna return your cliche with more cliche and how this night was the best, cause it was and how I'd also love to see you again."
"Great. Next weekend? Same time?"
"Done deal."
We pulled up to my house.
"Bye Alan. Thanks, for tonight." Austin took him hand and squeezed it.
"Thanks Austin."

He dropped my hand and went back to the car door when I thought how anti-climactic that was.
Was a kiss appropriate? I'm gonna try. Probably. If my adrenaline could please kick in and make me do something wild that would be great.
"Wait Austin."
"Huh." He came back over and I out my hands a round his waist,
"Can I kiss you?" I asked and he nodded, leaning down and kissing me softly.
I was having a semi-cliche night so to say that he and I created fireworks wasn't too much of a crime.
He had very soft lips,but his chin was a bit prickly with stubble. We kissed, I wasn't gonna pull away.
He did though,
"I owe you another thank you, for that just then."
"Thank you, seriously. It's been nice."
"So will next Saturday."
"I looked forward to it."

He went to his car door, and drove away as I waved him off.

I unlocked the door and walked inside, treading lightly as I wasn't sure if mum had gone to bed or not.

"Hi Ma."
"How was it?"
"It was actually great, I'm seeing him again next weekend!"
"What's he like?"
"He asks odd questions. I like that. He also has a smile to cute to explain with coherent words."
"Aww. So sweet. "
"I'm gonna head up to bed. Night mum."

I trudged up to my bed, kicked of my shoes, and pants and crashed in just my shirt and boxers.
Tonight was a very good night.

Ta Da. Ps. That nickelodeon/Disney thing is in an interview. I've forgotten what it'd called so I'm useless but hey I updated so I'm not entirely useless.
I am also finally on holidays so enjoy annoying and unnecessary updates and one-shots from me.
-M x

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