We'll steal the flowers, You'll steal the hearts.

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School was better this week.
Austin winked at me in the corridors.
It was great, he even passed me a note in music class:
'Someone looks gorgeous.'
But I couldn't respond before Mr Wentz started to rant, probably about pizza or some other 'passion' of his.

Unfortunately the only kissing I got was walking around with Aaron and his girlfriend, and the PDA was unbearable.
However if it was acceptable, Austin and I would be the couple everyone hates, kissing and cuddling.

I get to leave early with Austin today and it wouldn't be delayed because David was away.

"See you after 3rd period." Austin said, getting up from the music room floor. He offered me his hand, to lift me up.
Nice cover.
I took it and flashed him a brief smile.
He squeezed it and let go.
"See you." I was tempted to whisper babe but decided against it, holding hands briefly was enough for some people to scream 'NO HOMO!' and I don't want to risk it.
I went off to maths.

Maths Update.
The teacher still gives less f*cks than Mikey Way.

Soon the forty minutes was up, so was my patience. Maths handouts are so horrible.
The bells rang and I slipped through the crowd, grabbing my backpack from the lockers.
"Hey Alan!" Austin said, his hand on my waist for one very brief moment.
"Hello Austin. Ready?"
"Fuckin Ready."

We shuffled through the crowds, with Austin being a friendly giant it was easy to weave through groups.
Unfortunately it meant he was easy to see.
"Hey Carlile!"
We turned around, I saw Aaron coming up behind us.
"Hey Pauley. What's up."
"Let's walk."

He caught up and lead us to the main road.
"Sooooo..." He said.
"What?" I was seriously questioning Aaron at the moment.
"When were you gonna tell me?"
"What?" Austin asked.
"That you two were dating!"
Austin and I exchanged looks, my worried eyes looked at him and he shrugged.
"Yeah. We're dating. It's more thrilling than my tone makes it seem." I said.
"How'd you figure it out." Austin asked.
"You two never hung out and then you did. And Ashby kept looking at you like Dan Howell to Phil Lester."
Austin laughed, and I nudged him.
"Oi! Can't help that your so beautiful."
Austin just laughed more, Aaron miming vomiting in behind him.
"Prepare to 3rd wheel Aaron." I said.
Austin, to show his agreement took my hand. I moved closer and held onto his arm.
The vomit-miming gained gagging sound effects.
"I'm glad this is my street. I don't need to see everything." Aaron said, waving is off.

"Well that was pretty odd." Austin said, kissing my temple.
"I'm kinda glad he knows."
"So how is my stunning boyfriend?"
"Better now he's with the main babe."
"You're so cute. And small."
"Baa-be." I whined.
"Even cuter."
I glared at him.
"Even your death-stare is cute."
I blushed, leaning up to kiss his cheek.
"See, so short you need your tip-toes to kiss me."
"I really hate you."
"That's a pity, because I really like you."
"Okay. I really like you too."

We stopped, as always at my street.
Austin kissed me quickly but sweetly.
Pulling away just as a car drove past.
"Bye Austin."
"Wait. Kenadee won't shut up about you. Wanna see her and come over?"

Austin slung his arm around my waist, and mine around his.
"I only live a few streets down."
"Kenadee really does like you. It's been one day and she's asking me about my husband."
"She's so adorable."
"Down here." Austin said, turning us down another street.
"My Dad won't be home till, like 8:30. I can drive you home before then, if you'd like."
"Okay. I'm kinda nervous but excited."
"Don't be too nervous, it's really just cool."
"In here."
He turned us down a nice brick path, leading to a weatherboard house.
He shoved a key in the lock to open the door.
"Come on in, Ken will be home soon."
"Okay. This is nice."

I have said, 'Okay' way too many times in the last 10 minutes. Cause I am. Trust me.
I wanna see Austin's home life, cause he's seen a bit of mine; in forms of my mother looking out the window as he drops me off.
"You can set your bag down here if you like." He said, and I dumped my bag next to his.
"Thanks babe. This is actually really nice."
"No problems.I'm glad you're here, because I'd like to kiss you properly."
"No problems."
He leaned in and kissed me, his hands cupping my cheek and neck with mine at his waist, pulling him closer to me. He was kissing me sweetly and I hoped I was doing the same. He made me feel like typical 'swelling' music was playing and my hair should go like Pocahontas' (AN: Or Phil's) and flow to the time of Colors Of The Wind.
The only sound however was someone knocking on the door.
"That'll be Ken." Austin said, pulling away.
"How does she get home?" I was genuinely concerned for the welfare of this little kid.
"School bus, drops her so close to home."

He opened the door and Kenadee literally shot in, like a blonde bullet.
"Hey little butterfly, how was school?" He said, squatting to her level.
"Alan!" She said, ignoring Austin.
"Hey Kenadee!" I said, sinking down to hug her.
She wrapped he arms around me, leaning on me so much I thought I'd tip over. I couldn't help but smile, she was actually the most adorable thing. I could see Austin beaming as well.
"Are you and Austin married yet?" She asked, letting me go.
"Not yet,"
"When you want to you can have the ceremony at recess, and I'll be your flower girl."
"Okay. What color dress would you like to wear?"
"Green definitely. I can take green flowers from the football fields to be a bouquet."
She was so cute, babbling on about a wedding.
She went into the living room and put her backpack on the bench.

"She's so adorable." I said, turning to Austin.
"If she makes you uncomfortable, just let me know."
"It's okay, she's cute. Would make a wonderful wedding planner."
"Defiantly. Kenadee's Ceremonies. We'll steal the flowers, You'll steal the hearts."
"Amazing motto."

"Austin!" Kenadee called.
Austin slipped his arm around me amd we walked into the living room.
"What's up little butterfly?"
"Can we watch a movie?"
"What movie?"
"The little mermaid?"
"Of course."

Soon we were all settled on Austin's couch, I was entangled with Austin.
I love the word entangled. Like you can escape the person.
I feel like that's what love is. You can't escape it.
I think I am in love.
I don't know how much time your meant to allow to falling in love with someone but I can't connect these feelings to anything other than love.
There are so many things I love about Austin that if I was asked to say them I'd struggle, I didn't fall in love with his quirky conversations or his stunning smile or his petite giggle.
I fell in love with Austin. All of Austin.
And I might even tell him this.

The movie was almost over, and it was 6:00.
Kenadee had gone upstairs, tired of Ariel to play with her dolls.
"So Austin. I've been thinking..." I said.
"About what."
"Well, about you."
"Hopefully only good things."
"That's it. I can't think of any cons, or any flaws you have that make you actually flawed. You're perfect, in your own little quirks. They way you look and act is amazing, I couldn't listen to you talk all day long. And I think you're beautiful, in two different ways. Your striking, but when you smile your face cracks, or melts into something so soft and gorgeous. I think I'm in love with you."

Well that was articulated better than expected.

"Wow. Alan, I can't even begin to describe so coherently how I feel but I can assure you it's the same. Everything about you makes you, you and that's what I think I'm in love with and as you grow and new things are lost or added to yourself I fall in love with them, just like I did at the start. Yeah, I think I'm in love you too."
"I love you."
"I love you."
Austin leaned in and kissed me, just as sweetly as he did at the door but it felt more meaningful, it wasn't just a 'I'm kissing my boyfriend' kiss but a 'I'm kissing someone I love and want them to know I love them' kind of kiss.
And I felt loved.

I slipped out of his house without any parental issues, and was told once again on my doorstep that I was loved by Austin.
That was a nice, infinite high feeling.

Crying, Cringing, Clicheing.
-M x

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