Disclaimer: I don't want to f*ck Satan, don't call the psychiatrist.

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I feel like death.

Literally, I think I have a fever and a grim reaper in me.

That's a bit weird. I'm not f*cking Satan, if there was another excuse to make the Westero Baptist Church hate that would be it though.
I really need to stop these thoughts.
They're sickening.
But I am sick.
"Hey Ma."
"Are you okay."

Well, no. But I can't say that.
In my pause my mother put the ball of her hand on my forehead.
"Oh Al, you've got a temperature. Stay home today?"
"Yes please."
I'll give in, I'm dying and I don't want Austin to catch my death because this isn't a Romeo and Juliet type love, more Romeo and Julian.
"Okay. I'm gonna let the school know you're not coming in today, but can I still go to work?"
"Of course. Thanks." My mum's job was very important, it being our only income, so important that her boss might come around for dinner again.

About half an hour later she left, kissing my forehead and giving me a packet of Advil.
I decided I text Austin to let him know not to wait for me after school;

'Hey babe. I'm dying of the plague so I'm not coming to school today. I love you! x'


I may as well catch up on my sleep today.
I rolled over and squished my cheeks into my pillow, shutting my eyes.
This does beat maths class.


I woke up, to the sound of something hitting my window.
Now, I, not sure if this is Satan paying me back for the kinky thoughts and disturbing my sleep but I'm gonna check it out.
I pulled the blind of my window up, and it wasn't Satan I saw. At least, not in his own body, he could have possessed the boy in my garden.
Which makes

"Austin!" I called out,
"Hey Babe!"
"Wait one second. I'll let you in."

I quickly pulled a shirt on, and trudged downstairs, I was excited to see my beautiful boyfriend but I was also practicing burning in hell, at least that's what this fever was like.
It was goddamn fever I couldn't swear out.
I unlocked the door and swung it open:
"Babe!" I said, as Austin walked inside.
"How's my gorgeous little boyfriend?"
"1- I'm not that little, you're just 10ft tall. 2- I'm dying of a fever."
"Well, I being the best boyfriend in the history of the world have come to help you feel better."
"Thank you."
"Also, I'm only 6ft tall."
"Close enough."
"Do you have somewhere we could sit?"
"Couch?" I offered, ushering him down to our sofa.

We sat down, I curled up next to Austin and he put his arm around me.
"Being the qualified doctor I am I stopped on my way here to buy some necessary treatment, meaning Advil, Ben and Jerry's and some cute Disney movies."
"Thank you Austin. This is really sweet. Look at you, school prefect skipping school to tend to his boyfriend."
"This is the most rebellious thing I've done since I snuck out of the house to set up a date for my boyfriend."
"I feel honored."
"You should."
"So what's your dad like?"
"Like in what sense?"
"Just in general."
"He's pretty great, he works hard. You'd know that with your mum and all. He's like, not homophobic or anything. What about your mum?"
"She great. She loves you and she hasn't even met you. She asked about our dates and stuff,"
"What do you say?"
"That this really really beautiful giant called Austin Carlile took me out on a date, it was really romantic and I had butterflies in my stomach and he also kissed me and that was really nice, I like to kiss him but I won't because I don't want him to be sick and the bubonic plague I've got in very catchy."
"That's a lot to digest."
"Not for my mother, she's like one of those automatic-tennis-ball-throwing-thingos but instead of tennis balls she has questions."

The day went on, Austin and I asking each other questions, like I said my mother did.
Eventually Austin had to leave, even though I tried to convince him my mother wouldn't mind if he stayed for dinner or something and that she probably already loves him more than she loves me he wasn't having it. Even though Kenadee had gone home.
I understood, I didn't want to meet Mr. Carlile at random either,

About half an hour before my mum was meant to get home he decked to leave, blowing me a kiss.
We walked, well I shuffled with a very large blanket around me to the door.
"I love you Alan Ashby." He said
"I love you Austin Carlile."

"You two are just adorable!" A voice said, from behind Austin.
Great my mother is home. Note the heavydirtysarcasm.
Austin turned around, looking semi-horrified but my mother just took it all in her stride.
"Hello dear. I'm Mary" (AN: I have no f*cking clue what Alan's mothers name is IRL so I'm going with Mary because Alan is basically Ginger Jesus)
They shook hands and my mother spoke again,
"I'd love it if you were to stay for dinner Austin. If you'd like."
I nudged him, and he looked down at me. I nodded vigorously. I totally called it.
"That would be lovely, thank you Mrs Ashby."
"Oh dear, no need to be so formal. Mary will do."
"Okay, thank you Mary."
My mother started walking down the hall way.
"You feeling better Alan?"
"Much, Austin came over and looked after me."
"Oh Austin, thank you so much." She said very genuinely, looking at Austin who was smiling like his cute little self, but struggling not to keep from blushing.

I was really glad he hadn't been able to escape amd that he got to meet my mother, and hopefully she didn't f*ck this up and creep him out,
Not that I have any thoughts of Austin deserting me.
I do really believe the boy loves me, and I love him back.
So much I'm going to enjoy him answer cringed questions from my mother for the next hour.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: so I'm bummed because TØP is playing in my city tonight and I'm not going.
-M xx

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