This is like Frank Iero: Short and Awkward.

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I opened the front door, and surprisingly heard voices. Normally my mother was home at this time.
It was only 4:00, she is normally home at 5:30.
"Hello Ma!" I called down the corridor.
"Al! I'm so glad your home! I've got a visitor."

Great! More people.
I looked though my bag for a hoodie to cover the growing bruise on my arm, but I didn't have one.
Double Great.
I dumped my bag at the front door, swept my fringe back and walked down to the living room where my mother was chatting to someone over the sound of the kettle steaming.

"Hey Mum. Who's this?"
"This is the Manager, who done a surprise visit to check up on us. Sir this is my son Alan."

My mum worked at a place for family issues. She often had people drop it to see if she was 'practising what she was preaching'. I extended my hand to shake his hand.
He had a firm grip. It was weird. I didn't want him to rub Austin's phone number off the back of my hand.

"Lovely to meet you Alan. I'll just be joining you for dinner."
I nodded.
It was awkwardly silent between the three of us till my mother noticed the bruise of my arm.
"Good Heavens Alan. What's that?"
"Bruise. Aaron hit me with the neck of his guitar."
"Gosh Aaron is something else. I'm glad he's actually coming to school though."
"Me too."

I went upstairs, pulled my phone out of my pocket and decided to text Austin.
Not to initiate anything just so he'd get my number.

'Hey Austin. It's Alan. This so my number, I guess. I'm very excited for tomorrow night. x'

No. Too soft.

'Hey Austin. It's Alan. Just wanted to make sure you got my number, and let you know that if you blow me off tomorrow I'll rip your intestines out.'

No. Too harsh.

'Hey Austin. It's Alan. I don't know what to say because I really like silence but I guess you need my number in cause you need to cancel tomorrow. Please don't cancel. '

Good enough.

I could hear my mother laugh awkwardly downstairs. I suspected she'd call me down so we could suffer together.

"Alan! Would you please give me a hand?"

Called it.
I put my phone back in my pocket and headed down.
"Need a hand Ma?" I said, appearing at the last step.
"Could you set the table please? We'll just need forks and knives (AN:and pens).
I walked over to the draw, but as I reached for the handle Mum grabbed my hand.
"Who is A?'

I dunno. Pretty Little Liars confuses me. (AN: not even kidding)

"Alan. Do you have a girlfriend now?!"
Her excitement was endearing. I wasn't sure how to say that I didn't have a girlfriend but I did have a date.
"Not exactly."
"Are you two dating?"
"No. We've got a date tomorrow though. 5:00?"
"That's brilliant! What's her name?"

Do I tell Mum that I've got a homo date or lie.
What would Austin say?
Can I out him?
Even just to my mum.
F*ck this is too complicated.

This is the time when my phone should buzz and Austin tells me what he wants but I don't live in a fairy tale and I pride myself on that.

"His name is..."
"Yeah. His."
"You have a boyfriend?"
"Tomorrow is our first date. We aren't together."
"Oh. His...him...he..."
"Is there a problem?"
"I just didn't know you were gay."
"I'm not. I just like Austin. I don't really want to label myself just yet."

This must be so awkward for the Manager. But it's showing my mother is a good parent by not flipping out and insisting I go live in hell instead of with her.

"Austin. Carlile?" She asked.
"I know him. Lovely boy. Enjoy yourself tomorrow night."

The night continued without a hitch, the manager giving my mother a warm review after I went upstairs.

I'm actually childishly excited for my date with Austin.
I feel like a little kid.
Planning out my outfit and all.
I wonder where he'd take me.
Please no physical exercise.
I hate exercise so much, I might even pray except I don't believe in God.
Build God, then we'll talk.

Okay. Sleep Alan.
Can't have eye bags for Austin.
F*cking hell I am such a loser.
Where did my morals go?
Where did my life go?

Perfect Prefect (Cashby) COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora