The Cashby actually really finally starts to happen

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It was 6:50.
I had brushed my hair, dressed nicely and put on shoes that didn't have duct-tape on the soles.
I had endured questions from my mothers.
All I needed to do was endure the date.
That makes it sound like its a bad thing. It's not, I'm so excited. I've almost abandoned my morals which kinda sucks but I feel like Austin is the only exception because everyone else is still filled under 'major sh*thead' in my books.
I waited for the door bell to ring or for him to knock.
This was nerve wracking.

"Call me if something bad happens." My mum said, like I was a little girl going to her first One Direction concert.
I am 17, my 1D phase is over (like Zayn's career).
(AN: FYI I don't like one direction, just to clarify.)
Then the door bell rang.
I was sure if I was happy to be reduced from my condescending mother or nervous.
"I'll get it." I said, going to open the door, revealing a smiling Austin. He was actually cute, in a masculine way.
"Hey Al"
"Hello Austin, you look great."

He really did, his hair was sort of spiky and really cute. He wore a denim jacket and ripped skinny jeans,
He had serious alternative-rock-guy aesthetic that I really respected.
"So, if you'd get in the truck it wound be appreciated." He said, twisting his words to make it seem like he'd kill me, at least I hope he wasn't going to,
"Let me just get my axe." Brush it off with a joke. Austin's clothes are too nice to get blood on them anyway.
"Come on, just follow. I'm taking you on an adventure!"
"Okay. Do I need a swashbuckling sword?"
"Rephrase; Urban Adventure."
"Okay, let's go."

I smiled and grabbed my backpack, swinging the door shut.
We walked back to his 'truck' which was an old-style pick up truck.
This is so aesthetically pleasing.
Even if this meant that judgmental-Alan rose I did appreciate that the boy was attractive.
There was just something about his smile, how all his features softened and he looked like a little princess. It broke a rule that I hadn't been exposed to before, about skin-deep beauty changing.

"Okay, time for an adventure!" I said, climbing into the passenger seat.
"Maybe, will we get arrested?"
"Of course, it's just so romantic, the blue and red flashing, sirens wailing. Sets the mood."
"You forgot to mention handcuffs."
That wasn't what I wanted the night to lead to, I wanted to him to take me to my door ect ect ect.

He tried not to laugh, his chin wrinkling as he held in giggles. He sputtered:
"Alan. This conversation finishes now."

He started the car, I wanted to know everything about this date so I asked:
"So Austin. Where are we going?"
"Well I haven't quite decided but I feel like a pit-stop at Taco Bell is defiantly ideal."
"Serious question: What do you order at Taco Bell?"
"Yup. Are you a combo man, do you go for traditional options, are you a taco shell or tortilla wrap kind of guy?"
"I normally just go for a chicken burrito."
"You see, I spend too long in front of the menu, because chicken burritos are only the tip of the iceberg."
"Austin, this is Taco Bell not discovering the colonization of Rapa Nui. It isn't a discovery."
"Ah ha. I wish I had a point to make after this."

I laughed. He was adorable the way he just let himself ask weird questions.
He was so cute. He was turning me into a softie.
He certainly wasn't turning me soft.
I didn't have those kinds of thoughts for Austin.
I would however like to call him names like babe.
And kiss him.
Definitely kiss him.

"You know what?" He said.
"What?" I would have loved to say 'What Babe?' Alas, I wasn't gonna push it.
"Plan. Go to Taco Bell. You will order something cool and I will take you out somewhere cool to eat it. We can stargaze or some bullsh*t."
"Agreed. You can't spend to long looking at the menu though. If I get home later than 11:00 my Mum will call the police and we will get arrested!"
He laughed, "tell me about your family ."
"Uh. It's just me and mum, we do fine. She has a painfully optimistic outlook on life, that I'm insanely jealous of and I dunno. I admire her a lot."
"That's actually really sweet. I like boys who respect their mothers, it's nice."
"What about you?"
"I live with my Dad. Which makes us weird, like a strange Parent-Trap kind of way. That we each have the opposite parent. I am glad we aren't siblings because I think my feelings would be frowned upon then."

This boy. This goddamn boy, I'm glad he had feelings for me and that they weren't incest.
I could see 'babe' in the future.

"Okay, Bell of Taco." He said, pulling into the drive through of Taco Bell.
The car hit the curb and bounced up onto the concrete, before slipping back down, earning a few 'oof' sounds from Austin and myself.
"Chicken burrito please." I said, handing Austin $10.
"No. I'm playing."
"Austin. No."
"I'm pay, not playing." He took the note and put it in my hood, pulling it up over my head and closing the gap with the drawstrings.
"One chicken burrito and one........"
Of course. This boy was predictable.
"Sir?" The intercom buzzed harshly.
"Yeah. One....."
"Austin. Pick pleaseeee." I said, my hood down again,
"Okay. Two chicken burritos."

The boy smiled at me, he was a literally beam of sunshine.
Normally I think that would be bad, I'm ginger and I burn easily and I, metaphorically like dark however I was being a cliche loser and 'falling for him'.

AN: Ta da, they are finally actually getting together sorta, kinda. THEY WILL EVENTUALLY.
Have a good day. Or night. Or Nine in the Afternoon.
-M x

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