You are all my no-homo-homies.

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Let's just assume the rest of this story is in ALAN'S POV because this is annoying to write.

Monday is a bad day.
It's tradition.
To me Monday's personification is like the older brother your parents don't talk about. The one that didn't go to college and gets high rather than high grades.
Generally speaking Mondays will never be successful.

Today was an exception. Austin was with me for the first class again. And the last.
So we could leave early and be stupid and make out behind the toilet block or something.
The tabes have turned since I kissed Austin. I thought about him all Sunday, and quite often talked to him to my mother, which might come back to haunt me if Austin ever meets her.
It's hard for me to explain how being with, and kissing Austin felt. I think that might be 'love'

Alan's totally bad description of Love:
A overwhelming admiration and infatuation with someone creating a incoherent feeling commonly referred to as 'butterflies'.

At least that's what Austin makes me feel like. He was actually the most cutest person in the world.
Please burn me at the stake.
This 'love' thing isn't working well for my hardcore-punk-boy aesthetic. How can I appear emotionless and unapproachable when I'm blushing?
I looked across the English classroom seeing Austin scribbling notes. I'm gonna ask him to share them later, I hate writing them in class, this goddamn teacher goes from topic to topic so quickly. She currently talking about Shakespeare and his theatre The Globe.
She's probably visited the theatre on vacation and will bring up her holiday and who stubborn her husband is and how they got lost because he wouldn't ask for directions and that he kid threw up because the airline has shitty food and blah blah blah.
I'm here for Shakespeare's theatrics not yours Miss.

Only a few more minutes till the bell rang, then the freedom of music class.
Mr Wentz was away today, rumors were that he was off on a dick-sucking adventure because no one at the school can assume his sick and everyone loves to call people fags. Apparently someone saw him with a boy called Mikey or something and they assume Mikey's getting some serious head right now.
I'm sure that I'd get the same response if I was off school. Except people assume I'm a lonely cat-lady who will never have a partner.
I mean, till now Aaron has been my only friend, my no-homo-homie.
Now I have a love interest.

I'm gonna say this a lot: Burn me at the stake.
I mean if everything I say can and will be held again against me I should be guilty for being a stupid cliche and having dumb hair.

The bell rang, like a chorus from the goddamn heavens.
Austin closed his book and I walked over to him, calmly calling his name:
"Carlile? Music?"
"Sure Ashby."
Austin took his books in his arms and we walked out,
"Ashby do you have a boyfriend now?" David jeered, following us.
Austin shot him a look, a look that said 'I'm prefect so f*ck off'. I didn't need his protecting this time.
"Please, use your common sense. You think I'm too horrible to have any friends but now you seem conflicted."
"Are you conflicted about your sexuality as well? You take great interest in mine."
Austin scoffed, Sassy Alan was a good Alan.
I need more sass in my life to be perfectly honest.
We slipped into the classroom as the door shut on the poor stuttering boy.
"That was actually brilliant Alan."

We sat in silence,
"What do you have next?" He asked
"AP Maths."
"Smarter than you look Alan."
"Oh no, my mother signed me up, stupidity is a family trait. What about you?"
"Damn. 3rd period's my last. I have lunch then I'm free 5th and 6th."
"Same! Wanna walk home together?"
"Of course." I smiled at him, he grinned back goofily.

Gonna finish this chapter tomorrow I'm too tired help me I might die of lack of sleep enjoy
-M x

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