I planned this date don't let Austin take credit.

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We were walking down the main road,Austin babbling about how the education system was ridiculous is they thought that provide ham sandwiches didn't help understand the deeper messages of Hamlot:
"I refuse to be a lot of ham isn't going to get me on the right wavelength to think about Hamlot."
"You want meat from the school?"
"Oh no. I do want free food however this is a bigger issue, so is food poisoning so the board needs to be involved because......"
I giggled, Austin always had strange but cute ideas that he got very passionate about, I just liked to listen to him, he was very articulate.
When he wasn't giggling.

When we reached my street Austin stopped, Austin took my other hand so we were facing each other.
He looked at me, his eyes sad but his face smiling and I understood, it was bittersweet to leave him and then see him at school because we couldn't get closer, and that's something I'm looking forward to, project 'babe' was still in play. But considering this is only the second week of the semester and a break is ages away I doubt I'd get the experience I wanted.

Dramatic much Alan?

Austin looked at me and whispered:
"I'd kiss you but I see a pick-up truck driving towards us and don't want anyone to react badly."

True. Just because gay marriage was legal didn't mean everyone suddenly approved of gay PDA.

I whispered back to him:
"Well. I'd kiss you back."

He smiled, the happiness more evident in his eyes.
I squeezed his hands then dropped it, waving and walking home.


"Alan!" My mum called. Why? I'm trying to look reasonable for Austin, months of built up knots in my hair weren't coming out easy. Also, every reasonable shirt clashed with my hair.

Maybe I'll just go lumberjack, flannel and messy hair. I'll even bring an axe in case someone says something homophobic.


I pulled my flannel over my grey shirt and settled for a grey beanie to cover the mane on my head.
I hurried down the stairs,
"What's up mama?"
"I'm just excited. My little boy is dating!"
"Ma, I'm 17."
"Yes but you're still short."
"Muuum. That was uncalled for."
"Austin's pretty tall."
"Where have you seen him?"
"When you came home last week, I was just being a good mother and watching you from the window.Your kiss was so sweet!"
(AN: I relate to Alan's Mother way too much)

Why mother?
"Don't be embarrassed it was really cute!"
"Now would be a great time for Austin to show up and save me from this."
"Oh Al."
"Do I look alright?"
"You always do."

Now, I am a bit outspoken but I'm not gonna call my own mother out on her bullsh*t.
Even though I don't always look nice and I need some goddamn confirmation.

"Seriously Alan. Very nice."

I'll take that.

I heard someone knocking.
I can't tell who was more shocked and excited, me or my mum.
"I'm getting it!" She said,getting up.
"No mum! This is my date!"
"My date!"

I opened the door, revealing Austin, dressed in a 'create music' singlet.
"Hello Austin!" I said cheerfully, pulling him in for a hug.
He held me very close to his chest, my head resting on his shoulder.
"Hey Alan! Ready?"
"Let's go!"
He took my hand and led me to his car, and I got I into the passenger seat.

"Okay. Urban Adventure part 2."
"I'm excited."
"You should be! Unless you hate abandoned buildings."
"Abandoned buildings?"
"Yup. One of my uncles estate. Starting off with ones I know, so we don't die when it's only our second date."

"Music?" He asked, hand on the knobs of the radio.
"Of course."
He twisted the knobs till a strangely familiar song played.
"Please tell me one direction is not your final choice."
"It's not. This is."

The opening beats to 20 dollar nose bleed (AN: today am I fall out boy trash so that's what's gonna play I don't give a f*ck)

Austin tapped on the steering wheel in time.
"I love this song." I said,
"It's great, I listen to it a lot when I go out to abandoned buildings. Have you ever wanted to disappear? It's a nice lyric to think of when you creep around."

That was so Austin.
He would babble on a bit the smallest thing, dragging out the symbolic meaning of a single sentence.
Then again, this is Fall Out Boy. I'm sure if you did that to each lyric you'd find the key to overthrowing God and becoming a king of emo Heaven.

We pulled off the main road,
"This is a little bumpy." Austin warned as we drove through long grass.

His point was proven as the car jolted.

We pulled in front of a concrete building, with blacked out windows.
"It was boarded up at the door but I kicked it down."

I was a little scared but as I got out of the car Austin squeezed it reassuringly.
"It looks creepy but the lights works so it's really okay."
"Okay." I said, a little unconvinced.

Austin kicked the door and it creaked open.
"Okay. The light switch is over here somewhere."
He shuffled his hands around the wall,
A yellow light flickered for a second, then came back on, revealing a table in the middle of the bunker.

"Ta-Da!!!" Austin said and I was kind of shocked.
Austin had set up a table, with candles.
"I have food in the car, I didn't want to bring it in straight away. I wanted you to be surprised!"
He ducked out the door and I went to sit down at the table.
This boy...
I can't even describe the way Austin made me feel without relating it to the effects of heroine or speed or something.

"Do you like it?" Austin said, reappearing with a bag, assumably full of food.
"Austin. This is, in my poorly articulated words absolutely amazing. This is beautiful and you are, so brilliant I can't explain to coherent words."
He blushed and sat down across from me.

We chatted absently. Laughing and blushing at compliments, cringing at old stories and sighing at nice memories.

We had dismissed eating and were chatting about music,
"How's your guitar coming? "
"Fun and nail-breaking as always."
"Will you play for me?"
"Nooooooo." I whined
"Pleaseeeee." He mocked my tone.
He was childishly adorable, giggling and blushing.
He was pretty. Like a rose blooming, his harsh (but killer) jawline and cheekbones melted into smiles.

Alan you are cheesy and you are going to hell.
Which isn't too bad.
Except Austin won't be there and that would suck.

"Okay. It's getting kinda late." Austin said, checking the time on my phone I realised we'd been out longer than I expected.
I pulled back my chair,
"Do you want a hand getting this" I gestured to the table and all its decor, "into the car?"
"Nah." He shrugged, "I can't hold your hand if we've got this, I'll get it tomorrow."
I held me hand out but he stepped closer to me and slipped his arm around my waist, and I followed suit.
We slowly walked to the car, Austin stopped at the door and turned to face me.
It was sweet how he did that, I liked to look at him. In a totally non-creepy way but in a 'I find every feature of yours beautiful and enjoy spendings time with you' kind of way.

He put his hand at my chin.
Huzzah. He was hopefully going to kiss me.
I put both my arms around his waist, to let him know it was okay with me.

He closed the gap between us, pulling me up on toes.
Our noses brushed clumsily and I almost struggled to stop smiling as I kissed him back.

We pulled apart, breathing a little heavily and he smiled at me, before pulling me into his side again as we walked to the car.

This is so shitty it was as well have come out of my ass.
This story needs more puns.
Feel free to tell me that I'm an ass because I agree so yeah.
-M x

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