I feel like all my recent chapter titles cross a boundary. Also this is short.

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If you told me three months ago that I'd be sitting with my mother and boyfriend who I had recently declared my love for I would have scoffed at you and, depending on how bitter I was that day I might have stuck my tongue out.
But here I was with Austin and my mother deep in conversation about the bridge on the highway;
"How far down do the supporting beams have to go?"
"Do the drill in holes by the measurements of the pillars or do they dig trenches and fill them in?"
Austin and my mother had one main thing in common, they could babble about anything with genuine passion.
If you over heard these two you think they were architects when in reality my mother was someone who struggled putting Lego blocks in place.

I didn't share their passion so I just sat and watched.
I think the term 'heart eyes' would be very appropriate.

Once the topic of bridge died down my mother adapted a more serious question.
"So Austin, I have to pretend I don't like you and be strict to care for my son."
"Of course." Austin said, politely bracing himself for my mothers half-hearted interrogation
"So I've never done this before because, as you might know Alan is a bit of a loser, I mean wallflower."
"Oi!" I said, but not denying it.
"Anyway." My mum continued, "I think I'm meant to ask your intentions."
"Uh, I'd like to take your son out on nice dates, but also force him to go to a football game just so I can paint his face. I'd also like to have the opportunity to throw monopoly pieces at him. I'd like to kiss him, quite a bit if I'm honest, in obscure places. I mean, location wise not on his body. I'd like to take him to abandoned buildings or the creek and kiss him there. Sometimes I don't want to take him out at all, and I just want to sit with him on my couch and cuddle him. I'd like to be able to both be judgmental about a movie. All in all I just want to spend lots of time making sure your son feels loved,"

That little speech was almost enough to make me cry, if I wasn't so brutal.
He was so sweet, and I was very grateful about how nice he was to my mother.
His little spiel about what he wanted to do with me was so nice and special, like he could say things without feeling pressured that I didn't want to do that.
But I want to do everything he said, especially thawing monopoly pieces at him.
Once I ripped up the title-deed card for Mayfair. It's not my fault when I think about it, I'd been playing for, like 6 hours and was so tired and broke violence was the only option.

"That was actually really lovely Austin." My mum said and Austin looked down, he really softened up when people tired to complement him.
He was just a really really really really realllllllllllllllly sweet boy.
A really really really really realllllllllllllllly sweet boyfriend!

Eventually Austin had to leave, but my mother was impressed with him.
"I always thought Alan would end up alone, with a hairless cat or something so to see he had a boyfriend that has good grades and is polite is a much appreciated miracle."

I like how my mum suggested slightly that Austin was going to be my only love, like how Kenadee thought we were married.
I liked that, when you date someone you either break up with them or marry them and I'm glad that people assume eventually Austin and I might be married. I feel like we are 'Couple Goals' or whatever basic slang describes a cute couple.

I waved Austin goodbye and blew him a kiss.
He was actually the most beautiful. Like ever.

I am dead, that's how tired I am and it's only like 9:30 (EST, I think)
-M x

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