I consumed 2 boxes of tic-tacs while writing this.

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To sound horribly cheesy, Austin pulled up to my house too soon.
I hated everything about dating him expect him.
I hated having to conceal having any connection with him, and I know that I wouldn't get a big break with him for weeks.
It was a bittersweet felling that made me, and I am so horribly cheesy in thinking this; treasure the time we had together.

I vomit at myself.

Whilst I'm on a cheesiness roll, I'm just gonna point out that while I was still being pummelled Austin was such a distraction.
The,for want of a better word, yearning I felt when I saw Austin in the halls was more painful than the blows thrown.

I have become the person I hated.
I am a lovestruck kitten.

Austin took my hand and kissed me again, his hands draping around my neck, and mine around his waist, holding him loosely.

"Thank you for tonight." I said, as we pulled apart, still in each other's arms.
"No problem. Same time next week?"
"Of course. But I'm going to take you somewhere."
"Okay. I look forward to it."
He moved his arms away, and smiled at me.
"See you Alan."
He got in the car and I blew him a kiss, he blushed furiously in response.

He drove off and I went inside, expecting a full interview from my mother.


I expected correctly.
"Hello Mama!"
"How was it?"
"It was brilliant,he took me to an abandoned building but he had set up a table and was it was really romantic."
"It sounds lovely Alan. Have you asked him to be your boyfriend?"
"No! It's only our second date!"
"Are you seeing him next week?"
"Yep. Same time."
"Ask him!"

My mother was ridiculous.
But I might ask him out.
"I'm gonna text him."
"No! Not by text that's not romantic!"
"No, I'll ask him if he wants to see me tomorrow."
"Okay. I'm excited!"

Confirmed: my mother is ridiculous.

To: Austin
'Hey Austin. Are you free sometime tomorrow for a hopelessly romantic date with yours truly? x"


"I'm gonna go shower. Call me down if he responds but don't do anything!"
I said to my mother, if she responds or something I'll cry.

I went upstairs and stripped, stepping under the warm water.
As a stupidly philosophical person the shower was the best place to think.

I need to stop thinking.
I'll think about Austin. Then I'll be cheesy and I've already reached my daily-clichè-limit.

I rinsed myself and stepped out of the shower and heard a yell that almost made me slip on the wet tiles.
"Alan! Austin responded!"
"Great! I'll be right down!"

I slipped a fresh pair of boxers and a shirt before running down to take my phone from my mother before she ruined my chances at a reasonable relationship.

From: Austin
'I'd love to, I'm free all day. What time do you want me to come around? x'

To: Austin
'Around 12:00?'

From: Austin
'Can't wait. See you then x'

Yay! I have a date tomorrow.
I need to sleep, cause I have even less time to make myself pretty.

Well I'm surprised Pete Wentz doesn't love this chapter because it's short and cute like our Saviour Patrick Stump.
-M x

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