Does IRL Alan like Slipknot? I do.

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I opened the front door and went inside.
Why was I so upset.
I don't f*cking get it. Why does Austin try so hard to get me out of trouble.
I am in trouble.
It's called f*cking life.

With those cheerful thoughts I collapsed onto the couch.
Sometimes I wondered why they always called me gay. I mean, I don't wear any colour or nice clothes so I was a stereotypical gay guy and I listened to metal music. So why gay?

As far as I'm concerned I'm not completely gay or straight but not in a way like I'm bi or pan. I'll just have who ever will have me,
Cause I'm a little hopeless I don't think I should narrow my options.

I say that but I narrow my options: to no one. Aaron is straight as a pole and my best friend, he also has a girlfriend.
The only person in the general hell I find myself in I'd choose to socialise with.

I should compose myself. Mum will be home soon.

Big-Time-Lapse-to-study-hall-the-next-day-cause-who-the-f*ck-cares-what-happens-(this is possibly a old Fall Out Boy title.)

Hell + Aaron = Purgatory
Meaning it's a bit bearable,

Aaron and I were in study hall f*cking around. His mum saw some kids coming home and he got caught out for skipping. Luckily I hadn't.
Aaron and I were chatting about music, as always.
I did see Austin had come in a few minutes after us, I don't want to say followed but I think he did.

I AM A LOST CAUSE! Stop trying to get close to me.
It was sweet but I'm sour and f*ck the opposite attract theory. I can't sand anyone who isn't me so we have to be so similar to be buddies. Call me messed up because I'm rejecting people when I'm in a position of vulnerability.

I guess Austin didn't fit in my*t. Was he wearing a Slipknot hoodie?

Okay so maybe he isn't a dickhead. If he likes them he probably has a good head on his shoulders.
Worthy of some other type of good head.

God Alan. You really care about what music people listen to rather than their personalities. You are such a basic b*tch.
Maybe I'll open up a little but if he turns out to be an ass I'll just crawl back to my shell.
Good plan.

"So Carlile..." Aaron said.
"What?" I responded. Aaron keep you shaggy haired-head out of my business.
"You've been looking at him the entire time he's been here."
"No I haven't."
I am a 14 year old girl. Who acts like this?
"I leave you alone for one day and you get a boyfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend."
Get me a f*cking birth certificate, I need to prove I'm a 17 year old boy.
"But he could be."
"No he couldn't."
"I'm gonna go set you guys up."
"No Aaron!"

I leant forward to catch his sleeve but he got away. Although I was considering cutting off his limbs with my Swiss-army Knife I was jealous of how he could approach anyone. I didn't have that trait but I did without it.
You don't need everything.
You do what you can with what youve got, and I've got determination...

To not get close to Austin.

I tried to listen I what they were saying,
"Pauly? What's up bro?"

Eww. Bro....why Aaron?

"Nothing much ?"
"What about him?"
"He's been looking at you and you haven't been calling him a fag so..."
"Yeah cause that's not cool."
"Why do you care?"
"Why do you?"
"Cause he's my friend ."
"Well. I honestly don't have an answer but I'm prefect so I can't see that kind of stuff being productive."
"That all."
"Yeah. He also hates me."
"I disagree."
"He's kinda clear about it."
"I think he's blinded."
"I think you're blinded."

I didn't hear what Aaron's response was but it made Austin go bright red.

Aaron, having done enough damage over with Austin came back to me:
"I hate your f*cking guts."
"You'll love me."
"When he asks you out."

Not meaning to leave a cliffhanger just tired.
Thank y'all.
(Should I do another Frerard Fic as well cause I think I should or would it be too much?)

-M x

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