M is dead but only ironically

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A substitute teacher walked into the music classroom and I could tell she was going to be a strict one.
She wore ugly brown high heels, except the heels were thick. Assumably so was her skull.
"Class. I have been instructed to put on a film with music as a key principle." Her voice was whiny, like she had a reason to be upset. She was being paid to come here.

Please be School Of Rock. Please. Please. If there are any angels please use your benevolent powers, looking at you Mitch Lucker.

"I have chosen The Sound of Music."

Is it sad I know all the songs?
"Is it sad I know all the songs?" Austin whispered, repeating my thoughts.
"Yes. But I know them as well."
"This is white culture."
"I'm gonna sing them all!"
"I'm gonna dance, dance."

The teacher shhhhed us and I guess part of me was glad. I don't want Austin getting accused of being a fag, and I don't want more reasoning to be kicked till 'my ribs are straight'.
We sat in silence, however I could often see from the corner of my eye that someone was looking at me rather harshly. Please just f*ck off.
Literally those people were so f*cking annoying! It wasn't that I hated how they beat me, I did but I really hated that I couldn't do anything, like the room was dark and I could probably hold Austin's hand but these kids, these zits on the ass of humanity wouldn't let us do that.

I couldn't wait to get out of music, there wasn't any tension between Austin and I that I assumed would be there so it was the perfect environment to be couple-y. Even though we weren't a couple.
Only 10 minutes to go.
God, time flies when you're about to be beat up.

The Sound Of Music wasn't a bad film. I liked Julie Andrews and all but it was just a bit boring and the clothing. What 16 (going on 17) girl want to wear a similar outfit to her 11 year old brother?
This is an example of mind-boggling thoughts, the ones that critics cinematic masterpieces because they rather be up Ryan Ross' asshole (AN: even though there probably isn't any room with Brendon in there. Secondary AN: I said this to my friend and she spilt water on me. I'm glad it wasn't milk.) then in this goddamn class.
The bell rang. Freeeeedom!
Well, 5 minutes before I had to go to AP Maths.
I waved at Austin, knowing that asking him to 'meet at our lockers' might provoke some abuse.

I went to the classroom and out my stuff on the furthest desk, headphones under my shirt and my hair.
Praise the lords of the gingers that it was long enough to conceal them.
The teacher coughed and signaled towards a stack of papers on her desk.
"Quiz. I will be grading lower level class work so I need you to all stay preoccupied."
For someone who was meant to be teacher advanced mathematics to advanced mathematicians (not me) she didn't give a shit (actually me.)
Well. Now I don't have to worry about her calling on me and me not hearing her.
I also don't have to worry about dickheads because they weren't in this class. As previously stated they had dicks for heads, not brains.

The questions were actually easy. Basic algebraic terms.
This is gonna be a fun forty minutes.
Meaning the music is gonna be fun.

I sat, going through the problems,looking around I didn't see anyone having trouble with them.
"Miss?" A girl in the front row raised her hand.
"Is there another sheet to do. I've finished this one."
"Really? That's difficult stuff. Beyond a freshman."
"Yes. You are my freshman class."
"Uh, no. We are your senior AP Mathematics class."
"Oh. Just do that sheet."

That conversation confirms she just didn't give a f*ck.
Probably gonna makes us watch maths movie or some bullsh*t created to trick innocent children into learning.

I completed my sheet quickly.
Leaning back slightly on my chair I just listen to my music for the last 5 minutes.

The bell finally rang. I could go home.
I pulled my headphones out of my ears and packed up my stuff. We were right near my lockers so I didn't have to rush to meet Asutin, who was com gin from the other side if campus.
I heard a loud bang as the door slammed shut.
"Hello David? Don't you have a class?"
"I do. I don't care. You were being all faggotty in Music class."
"Carlile is cool. Don't rub your horrible gay off on him."
I smirked, I couldn't control how dumb this boy was being so I can't really blame myself.
"I'm tired of your attitude!" He said and smacked me. I fell from the impact and then the kicking started. I hope to god and I pray that Austin shows up soon, these idiots were being so loud they'd be heard by peoples in the halls. If anyone in this hell hold gave a sh*t about bullies.

"Oi!" Thank The Lord, Austin is here!
"Oh. Carlile, just putting this fag in his place." David said, smiling guiltily.
"Well. Fag or not, no one is going to be 'putting in their place'. Okay?" This assertive side if Austin, wow.
"Okay." David trudged off, knowing that there was no point fighting. If Austin reported this he'd get suspended and then he couldn't beat me up.

Austin walked over and held out his hand, helping me up.
"You okay?" He looked very concered.
"I'm okay, I think."
"If you're sure." He took my hand and squeezed it before dropping it.
We walked out to our lockers and grabbed our bags, walking out of the school.
Once we crossed the road, Austin grabbed my hand again, not letting go this time.

I'm going for a run this morning and I'm going with my friends who are all much fitter than me.
-M x

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