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I feel the tears in my eyes, even though I'm in the lake in the water. I still hold grief in my chest for my dear mother.

A movement to my left caught my eye. I glance over and see Katy walking up to the lake. Her phone is lit up in her hand, her thumbs moving quickly. She's probably texting or on social media. She doesn't notice me in the water. I sink back in the water off my back and turn toward her. "Hey," I called out.

A scream left her mouth. She visibly jumped what seemed like out of her skin, and her phone went flying up and then down to the ground.

"Hey, sorry. It's me, Jacob. I didn't mean to scare you."

She's recovering now, slightly bent over with her hand against her chest. "Don't ever do that again! Oh my gosh! You nearly gave me a heart attack." She leaned down a little further to pick up her phone.

I suppressed a grin. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

She watched me for a moment while I treaded the water, and finally said, "What are you doing out here anyway. It's the middle of the night."

I wanted to be a smart ass and tell her that I was aware that it was the middle of the night. But I didn't. "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I was burning up, so I came out here to cool off some." I paused a moment as her eyes stayed on me. "Why are you out here?"

"That's none of your business," she snapped.

I took a deep breath. So, she's in bitch mode tonight. Noted. Her mood gives me whiplash. I just nodded at her. I swam over to the dock where the ladder is and started to climb up. I forgot I was in my boxers and suddenly became aware that they are soaking wet, outlining my junk perfectly. The thought made me undeniably shy. Even in the darkness, the moon light was enough to see her watching me the whole way up the dock to my towel and clothes.

"You're leaving?" She asked while I dried my legs with my towel.

"Um...yeah. I'm sure you don't want me out here bothering you. I'll give you some space." I tried not to sound rude or anything. I grabbed my jeans and started to tug them on.

As I buckled my belt, she spoke. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood. I didn't mean to take it out on you. You don't have to leave because of me." Now that my pants were on, she walked closer.

"It's okay. Your dad made it clear to stay away from you. I'd hate to know what he would say if he found me out here with you." What he would do... The thought made me shudder.

She let out a small scoff. "He's dead to the world right now in his bed. He won't be out here."

She stepped a little closer as I squatted down to put my boots back on. "Maybe. But Benny gets up throughout the night. I try my best to stay on his good side. It's seems that's been hard to do this week." I don't know why I'm telling her this.

"Yeah, Benny is a hard ass. He's not really my favorite person either."

Her confession shocked me. I grinned as I tied my shoelaces. "We got one thing in common."

"There's probably a lot more in common than you would think," she said quietly. She wasn't looking at me when she said it. She seemed sad.

I stood up, my boots tied. My movement caught her attention, and she looked back at me. "Would you stay with me for a little while?" Her voice was so soft and pleading, I didn't think she had actually spoke. "Please?"

Why do I have a soft spot for this girl? How can I say no? Something is obviously bothering her, and it seems like she just needs a friend. She's asking me nicely to stay. Ugh! "Yeah, I'll stay."

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