Twenty Two

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After mine and Daddy's talk, I sulked a little, then went to the fridge and got the eggs out. Halfway through making breakfast, Walt makes his appearance first.

"Oh my God, that smells so good. I'm freaking starving."

I chuckled at his enthusiasm while batting away his hand from trying to steal a piece of bacon. He manages to get it and pops it into his mouth like he's afraid I'll chase him for it. "Is everyone else still asleep?"

After swallowing his bacon, Walt replies, "I woke them up before I headed up here. They should be around any minute."

I'm finished with breakfast before the other three roll around and into the house. Eric and Carter look miserable. I smile brightly and with much sarcasm I say, "Good morning sunshine! How are you feeling this bright, beautiful, sunny day?"

Carter pulls a face. "Can you watch that beam of light shining off your face please. I'm hungover and it's giving me a headache." 

I laugh. "You're the one who drank too much."

"Thanks, Sherlock." Carter flops into a kitchen chair. He's always moody in the mornings but even worse when he's hungover.

"Speaking of hangovers," Eric chimes. "You care if I get something for my head?"

He already knows where to get it. They all do. In the medicine cabinet above the bathroom sink.

"Of course not," I answer.

"Get me some too," Carter blurts at Eric's retreating back.

I finished making a plate and set it in front of Carter. "Here you go, Oscar." He squints his eyes at me for the Sesame Street name I've dubbed him for his grouchiness in the mornings.

"Thanks, Barbie."

I scowled at him. He knows I hate being referred to as Barbie. It drew a chuckle out of him before he started to dig into his food.

"Hey, guys..." Walt says while looking down at his phone. Without looking up, he asks, "Has anyone looked at our group text today?"

My phone was upstairs in my room, but Carter and Cassie pulled theirs out of their pockets. Last night, after taking pictures with Eric, we sent them to our old group chat that still included Shawn and Anna. Then a text that said, 'oops, wrong person'. Afterwards, we turned off our phones and had fun the rest of the night.

Carter started to laugh. "What?" I asked curiously. He held out his phone for me to see just at Eric came back with the medicine.

I took the phone and read the messages Shawn sent to the group in reply to the picture.

12:37am Shawn: Are you fucking kidding me!

12:37am Shawn: How long have you two been fucking around??!!

12:39am Shawn: Answer me!

12:41am Shawn: Listen, I understand. I'm not mad okay, I just want to know how long the two of you have been together.

12:44am Shawn: Someone just answer the fucking phone already!

And Anna never said a word. But she had read all the messages. Cassie interrupts my thoughts. "Shawn tried calling me three times last night after he sent all those messages."

"Same," Walt added. Eric pulled out his phone to look. Not only did he have group messages, but private messages as well that he let me read with him.

12:37am Shawn: WTF man!!

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