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Katy's friends were laughing and teasing each other. It was amusing to watch. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I shouldn't have come here. I don't belong here. I knew it, and they all knew it. Except maybe Cassie. I got nothing but good vibes from her. When I heard the knock on my door, I'd been lying in bed. Not asleep, but lying there in the dark, staring at the ceiling. I thought I'd imagined it at first, but then I heard a whisper. I got up and turned my lamp on to answer. I'm sure my surprise was visible on my face when I saw them standing before me.

I was leery on the invite. Why would her friends want me to hang out with them? Did Katy suggest it? If not, why did they randomly want to hang out with me? My gut told me I should stay in my room. I tried to tell Cassie that I wasn't allowed to be around Katy, but if I said that, it might raise some unwanted suspicion. So, I bent the truth a little bit. But she kept insisting. And I hated to tell her no. Plus, it was an excuse to be near Katy. I might not be able to interact with her much, but she'd still be there. I could hear her voice and admire her beauty. So, instead of listening to my gut like I know I should, I surrendered and agreed.

Katy was oddly quiet. Cassie was very talkative and interested in getting to know me. She was wasting her time. There's no way I could have friends...could I? No. John and Benny wouldn't like that. But I didn't want to be rude, so I engaged in our conversation.

Katy still hadn't said anything when we reached the bonfire by the lake. Was she mad at me? Cassie introduced me to everyone. I had seen all of them at some point or another at the farm house hanging out with Katy. I sat down on the grass by Cassie's chair. I'd tried to act cool when she touched my elbow. I internally cringed, but I knew the gesture was innocent. The reaction is instinct. I accepted the red solo cup Eric handed me as he and Carter bickered. I became painfully aware of the reason I think Katy was quiet. Shawn leaned over and kissed her, putting his hand on her thigh, and leaving it there afterward.

"You don't joke about that when your girlfriend is sitting right here, you dick," Anna said.

"It's okay, Anna. He's lying. My mom don't like blondes unless they're worth at least 3.2 million," Carter said. Eric reached out and gave Carter the finger. "Walt is more her type anyway. With that soft hair of his." He reached out to stroke Walt's hair.

"Don't bring me into this," Walt professed, dodging Carter's hand with his hands held up in defense.

I took a sip of whatever was in my cup. It burned my throat as it went down, and I instantly recognized it as whiskey. Grim, unwanted memories flashed in my head. Uncle Clyde's face next to mine. His hot breath emitting the harsh whiskey scent. His hands on my flesh. Everything went silent around me as these memories suffocated me until I heard my name. I looked up in the direction it came from. "Did I make that too strong for you?" Eric asked.

I gained my composure. "I'm just not much of a drinker."

"I can get you a water if you want?" Cassie offered.

"I'll get it," Katy said, standing up in her chair, Shawn's hand falling off her leg. "I need a refill anyway." Her eyes locked onto mine until she turned to walk away. My eyes shifted down and met Shawn's who was already watching me. When he didn't look away, I shifted mine to Walt and Carter who were talking about I don't know what. I felt Shawn's gaze linger. Did he suspect something? Did he know?

Carter was then telling Walt about a girl he saw at the convenience store when he was getting gas. He was comparing her to a cross between Taylor Swift and someone from a reality tv show I'd never heard of. Suddenly, a cold-water bottle was in front of my face. I looked up to see Katy smiling at me. Her back was to Shawn. "Thank you," I said, as I took it from her hand.

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