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Walt sat in my room with me for what seemed like forever letting me cry on his shoulder. When we were at Eric's house, I had left my phone in Walt's truck. When we came back out, I had a million missed calls and texts from Shawn.

Shawn: Please answer the phone.

Shawn: Katy please answer.

Shawn: Katy, I love you. Let me explain.

Shawn: You keyed my car!!! Seriously!

Shawn: You know my dad is going to fucking kill me!

Shawn: Where are my keys?

Shawn: Katy, please answer me.

Shawn: Hello babe I need my keys.

Shawn: Please let's talk about this.

The texts went on forever. I even got one from Carter.

Carter: Hey Katy, I know you hate Shawn right now, but can you please tell him where his keys are, so I don't have to listen to him fucking whine anymore?

I chuckled at that one. I imagined Shawn tearing the house apart looking for his keys. I told Carter they were across the street somewhere.

Walt had been gone about an hour while I still sat in my room crying. I didn't even go down to eat supper. I told Daddy I wasn't hungry. I'll tell him tomorrow what Shawn did. The sound I was waiting for hit my ears. Rage flooded my senses as I leapt off my bed at the sound of his stupid car. I made it downstairs and to the door before he could knock. I was thankful Daddy was nowhere in sight when I shot through the house. I stepped down the stairs just as Shawn was about to ascend them.

"Go away, Shawn." I crossed my arms.

He reached up to touch my arm, and I jerked away like his touch was fire. "Babe, please. I'm sorry. I'm so stupid. I love you so much. Please just talk to me." I'd never seen him beg like this. His face had a desperate look. And judging the fact his face is still intact tells me Eric hasn't had a chance to confront him yet.

I stayed silent scowling at him under the porch light.

"I'm so sorry, baby. We can get past this. What you saw means nothing."

I cut him off before he could say anything else. "Have you and Anna had sex?"

A flash of guilt crossed his face before he covered it feigning innocence. But he didn't cover it fast enough. "What? Of course not. I don't know what came over us earlier."

I guffawed. "Just so you know, I heard you talking before I even opened the door. So go ahead and lie to me again."

With a look of contrition, he took in a deep breath, confirming what I already knew. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, Katy. I didn't mean for this to happen."

He tried to reach for me again, but I once again backed away. "Are you kidding me right now?" My voice was louder than I intended but I couldn't help it. My anger was coming out into my words. "How do you not mean to have sex with my best friend? My best friend, Shawn! And you think we can just get over that! Are you that delusional?" I sucked in a deep breath. "Why?"

"Why what?"

I looked at him like the idiot he is. "Why were you having sex with Anna? Do you love her?"

"What!? No! That's ridiculous. It was purely for sex. And it was only when you and I were having a long stretch. It was only to relieve some tension."

I let his words process. "You are a son. Of a. Bitch! A true piece of shit!"

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