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I sat on my bed with crippling anxiety. My right leg bounced up and down as I waited to see what was in store for me. What punishment I would receive for punching the son of John's best friend. My hand was a little sore, so I flexed my fingers back and forth. Nothing damaging though. I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I punched Shawn. Shawn Palmer of all people. I can't even express what came over me. It was just instinct. My body moved before my mind could process the consequences. I know I'm dead meat.

I waited for what seemed like hours before Benny and John arrived in my room, even though in reality it'd been maybe twenty or thirty minutes. I'd used my shirt to stop the bleeding from the cut on my cheek. I was sitting on my bed against the wall with my knees up to my chest. My head that was resting on my knees shot up when the door opened. I felt the dread radiate through my veins like electricity.

Neither were holding any weapons. Good sign so far. I was too afraid to move from my position, so I just leaned back a bit and rested my hands on my knees. My eyes were focused on the floor, and my breathing deepened.

"Look at me," John commanded. I obeyed and of course he was not happy. "You're starting to become more trouble than you're worth."

Ouch. I'm not sure why that felt like such a stab when I already knew how worthless I was to them. All I am here is a working body. A burden. A nobody.

"I'm sorry, sir," I tried to say.

"Shut up!" He shouted.

I was jolted by his outburst. I ached to look away from him, but I knew he would just yell at me to look back at him. He put his hands on his hips as he glared at me.

"Do you mind telling me what possessed you to punch Shawn? Tell me, what gives you the power to lay a hand on anyone at this ranch?"

He stared at me, and I realized he was waiting for an answer this time. "I'm not sure what came over me. He-"

"You don't know what came over you?" He interrupted me. "That doesn't sound much like an excuse to me."

"He was grabbing Katy's arm, and she-" He cut me off again.

"My daughter is none of your concern, for starters. And they're dating. Touching happens."

"I know, but-" He didn't let me finish before going off on me.

"Just shut your damn mouth. Fact of the matter is that you have no right to touch anyone on this ranch. You are a nobody here. Bottom of the totem pole. I thought you knew that. Guess it's gonna have to be drilled into you."

And a nobody is all you'll ever be. I swallowed. He wasn't going to let me tell him Shawn was hurting her. He doesn't care. Shawn could have been killing someone, and I'd still get in trouble.

"That's my best friend's son. I have to explain to Joshua why the boy on my ranch attacked him." He paused and the silence was deafening. "Follow me," he finally said as he walked past Benny out of the door.

I quickly climbed off the bed and stood. I followed him to the corner of the barn where there's an old work bench. Benny followed behind, not saying a word. Numerous tools scattered across the work area. My mind went haywire thinking of all the possibilities that could happen.

"How's your hand," he asked, breaking the silence.

Instinctively, I flexed it. "It's fine, sir."

"Let me see." He held out his hand for mine.

I timidly lifted it. He gently grabbed ahold of it and inspected it.

When John let go, he said, "Doesn't look broken." He turned back to the work bench. "Set it down right here." He pointed to the bench.

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