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"Holy. Shit." Recognition registered in the man's eyes.

I stopped abruptly in my tracks and refused to walk an inch further. But that didn't stop Uncle Clyde from slowly stepping toward me.

"Jacob?" When he was about two steps away from me, I took a step back. "Is it really you?"

I couldn't speak. My eyes were stuck to his like he was holding me hostage. I could feel my hands lightly trembling. Why does he have that effect on me? "The man asked you a question," Benny said sternly. I opened my mouth, but nothing could come out.

"I haven't seen you in years. I thought you disappeared off the face of the planet." His face looked the same as I remembered except for having a bit of crow's feet around his eyes. He'd barely aged. I'd recognize him anywhere. I'm surprised he recognized me. He took another step toward me, and my legs took another step back instantly.

I could feel sweat drip down the side of my face. Not all from the southern summer heat. He stared into my eyes waiting for me to say something.

Benny stepped up to me. "Where the fuck are your manners?" He gritted out.

It was like he broke me out of the shocking trance I was in. I blinked my eyes a few times and darted to the ground. But I still didn't say anything.

"It's alright," Uncle Clyde said. "It's been what? Six or seven years since my nephew last saw me." I cringed.

"You're family?" Benny seemed genuinely shocked. I'd never told them about my father's sick, twisted friend. They'd asked if I had any other family. Which I technically didn't so I told them no.

"Yeah. I never knew what happened to him after his father died. I just assumed he got lost in the system." I saw Benny glare in my direction from the corner of my eye. "Maybe you could leave him a while and let us catch up."

My head shot straight up. His eyes looked hopeful. Like he'd just found his long-lost golden toy and couldn't wait to play with it. I shook my head and finally spoke, "No." I looked at Benny with pleading eyes. "Please, don't leave me here." My body flowed with dread from head to toe as I silently begged Benny not to leave me.

He narrowed his eyes at me. I felt like tears would form any second now at the thought of being left with this man. I didn't want my nightmares to become my reality once again. Benny grabbed my bicep and pulled me around to the front of the truck. He was angry, I could tell. But I didn't care as long as I didn't have to stay. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Please Benny, don't make me stay here. I'll do anything. Please." I literally begged, my voice breaking. Something I normally didn't do because I'd been taught at young age from experience begging doesn't get you anywhere. But I was desperate. And I could tell I had shocked Benny by the uncertainty on his face. He knew I wasn't one to beg. I felt tears start to form and tried my best to keep them from falling.

Benny turned and stepped away from me. My heart fell. He was going to leave me here. "Mr. Hart, with all due respect, I can't leave the boy here. John is his guardian so you will have to ask his permission. I hope you understand."

I could give Benny a hug right now and actually mean it. Relief washed over me. I saw a hint of annoyance flash through Uncle Clyde's eyes, but he smiled and said, "Fully. I can give him a call sometime." Benny shook his hand and as he moved to say his goodbyes to Tom, my childhood tormenter stared into my eyes with a silent promise. Then the familiar sadistic grin I remember so well appeared on his face. I hated that look. I thought I'd never see it again except in my nightmares.

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