Chapter Two: The mystery wrapped in darkness

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We, Red, Abe, and I, were in a garbage truck that was converted into our little arsenal on wheels, heading to a place called The Machen Library where something paranormal happened. "Look at them ugly suckers, Blue" My brother commented while Abe and I were getting our gear. "One sheet of glass between them and us."

"Story of my life." Abe jokes, causing me to let out a small chuckle.

Red slides the visor close before sighing. "Outside, I could be outside '' He walked over to a beat-up metal box that held his precious samaritan. A custom-made revolver that can shoot six unique bullets.

"You mean outside with her," Abe pointed out.

I frowned at the statement. "Don't get psychic with me, fella." Red gruffed.

"Nothing psychic about it." Abe recanted. "You're easy, unlike your sister." I smiled at the fish man's comment.

Red ignored his comment saying "How am I ever going to get a girl? I drive around in a garbage truck."

"Liz left us, Red." I said, "Take the hint."

He just held up his gun and said "We don't take hints' ' I rolled my eyes and grabbed my things. Not unlike my brother, I do use witchcraft to help on these missions but I also keep things like knives and Japanese war fans. Red got them for me after he saw how much I loved playing Mortal Kombat. My favorite character is Kitana, the Outworld princess. Father made sure to have someone train me in the art of it.

By the time we were all ready, the guys were backing the truck into the docking bay of the library. Once the back door opened, Red was already lighting up one of his damn cancer sticks. I am just happy that he didn't smoke cigarettes. They have a terrible smell while cigars and pipes have a sweeter smell due to the types of tobacco they are made with. When we were parked Clay to the lead and said. "Ok, let's sync up our locators." We all turned on the gadgets on our belts, each emitting its own unique color, violet for me, blue for Abe, and red for, well you get the idea. "Seal the doors," Clay ordered. "Red, blue, and violet are coming in." With that, we followed the agents into the library white Clay explained why they were there. "At 1900 hours, an alarm was tripped." As I was listening, I noticed that for a monster to be present, it was quite clean. "A large entity, type five was reported. Very aggressive." I rolled my eyes. "Six guards dead."

"I thought we checked this place," Red questioned.

I nodded "I could have sworn we said all of these were fakes and reproductions Unless they gained a new relic" I chimed in fanning myself.

As we rounded a corner, Father's voice broke through. "Apparently" My brother and Abe stopped in shock." Not everything was fake."

Red quickly hid his cigar behind his back "Father" He said with respect as he tilted his head down.

Father just looked at him while I just walked forward and hugged the older male. "Father, what's going on? You don't usually come out into the field."

He smiled at me and guided all of us to the room that held the entity. The agents placed our gear in front of the door. "The entity is still in there" Father started to explain. "Video surveillance shows a 16th-century statue was destroyed." I felt sad to hear something that old was being destroyed. I loved history. It made me understand that there are both good and bad in our world and history recorded both. "St. Dionysius the Areopagite." Father explained as Red began to look over his arsenal of different and unique bullets.

"Who wards off demons" the big guy states as he picks up a set of silver-tipped bullets.

"Exactly" I watched as Father smiled at my brother. "The statue however was hollow."

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