Chapter Five: Myers

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Once we had everything, Liz, John, and I got into the cab, with John in the front seat while Liz and I were in the back. As we were heading back home, Liz climbed out onto the window with her camera and began to take pictures of the view. "It feels so good to be outside, it's been so long."

I chuckled when she looked into the cab with her camera and took a picture of me laughing. "That's not really safe, Miss Sherman." I scoffed and handed the picture to John as I joined Liz in the adventure. "Wait Raven, you should really stay in the car." He called out but I ignored him while laughing. When I got outside, I smiled at the feeling of the wind in my hair. After a moment, John joined us. "Nice view," he said as he waved at me causing me to laugh. "Hey, a smile. That's good" He joked causing me to laugh a bit more to cover my blush. I watched as Liz took his picture and handed it to me. I smiled when the picture developed and gave it to John before looking back towards where we were heading. "Here" John calls out to me while trying to hand me the picture back only for the wind to take it away. "Damn," he whispered before looking towards me and then Liz. " you'll have to take another one later."

I nodded while Liz just said "Yeah" before we all looked towards the Bureau

When we got down to the main area of the hidden agency, My father was there with open arms to greet Liz back home. "Welcome back" Liz smiled at him before giving him a tight hug.

"It's only for the weekend, Professor Broom, and then I will be on my way" Liz smiled at the older male while explaining her terms.

He nodded before he gestured to the facility " You should look around" He pointed his cane around "We've made some changes around."

Before my father could continue, the sound of glass shattering interrupted him. We all looked down the hall to see Manning staggering through the broken glass, looking terrified. "I want that thing locked up, starting now." He demanded causing my magic to lash out at him. "Her too. Right now, do you hear me"

When he pointed at me, John pushed me behind him, holding his gun towards where Manning was. I looked at him shocked before looking to see my brother walk through the glass. "Liz," my brother said in a confused tone.

The fire starter ignored him as she quipped."Nothings changed. Home sweet home."

By the time, my brother finally realized that she was real, she had already begun to go to her old room, and my father along with the rest of the agents besides Myers dispersed, disappointed in my brother, and to be honest, I was kind of disappointed in him too. I was brought out of my thoughts when John wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me away from the scene that was my brother and the chaos he caused. "Myers" My brother called out from behind us but John just ignored him but kept his arm around me.

As we were walking, John began to speak. "So, um, Liz asked for me to take you and her out for some coffee tonight. I just wanted to make sure that you wanted to go."

I smiled at him before placing a kiss on his cheek causing him to blush. "Why don't you go finish your chores with Red and Liz and I will meet you there."

He nodded while stuttering "Um..uh...yeah... great" he was a blushing mess as he walked away to finish up his duties to my brother.

I smiled as he walked away before heading into my room and changing into something a bit warmer. Once I was ready for the night, I met up with Liz and we both went down to Red's room. When we got down there, it was apparently Red's supper time and John was setting out his food. "Oh my god," Liz exclaimed letting her presence be known causing Red to jump out of his bed. "Look at them all. Who had babies?" She asked as she lifted one of the many cats.

As she was loving on one of the cats, Red walked towards her before saying in a nervous tone "Uh, Liz, there's something I, uh, need for you to hear"

Liz put the cat down while asking "Is it going to take long? Because Rae and I are going out"

Red froze for a second before asking "Out?" he then looked at me "Out, out?"

"Yeah, For a cup of coffee," Liz confirmed. "But go ahead, read."

Red began to walk towards us, confused. "Are you two going alone?"

I looked at him nervously "Um, no. Myers is taking us" I tell him while hugging my arms to my chest with an unsure smile.

Speak of the devil, Myers came by with a huge bowl of chili. "Hey, you're chili is getting cold," he told Red before placing the bowl on the table.

Red just looked conflicted and angry at that moment. "Not hungry" He plopped down on his bed looking like if he could, he would set the paper in front of him on fire.

Liz being the saving grace that she is decided to get Red's attention by asking "Is there something you'd like me to hear?"

"It's just a list," Red said nonchalantly. "It's not finished yet"

"Ok, well" Liz smiled at him "Later" She walked over to me and we chatted while waiting for John. When he was done talking to Red, I smiled at him and we headed out, not realizing that my brother was glaring at him.

He took us down to the motor pool and said "Hey Liz, I noticed that you had a motorcycle license. Why don't you pick one while I take Raven" Liz nodded with a smirk on her lips before John noticed that I was blushing "If that's ok with you, of course" I just nodded before he led me to his moped and handed me a helmet. Once we all were ready, we took off with John taking the lead. 

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters. 

So we have more chemistry between John and Raven in this chapter plus a jealous and angry Red. What's going to happen when he sees the two with Liz? Let me know what you think.


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