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Hello, my little rabbits and mad hatters, 

Did you miss me? As you know, I have been on leave due to the fact my last laptop which I will call Wonder, died. Well, I was going to save up and buy myself a new one but my amazing mother went ahead and bought me one for Christmas. Not just any laptop but a badass GAMING laptop and his name is now Draco cue to the company being M.S.I and their logo is a dragon. He is amazing and hopefully, with Draco, I will be not only giving you many new chapters and different stories but I may be able to finally start a streaming channel on Twitch. *insert happy squeal here*  By the way, please let me know if you would be interested in me doing that. Anyway, this new year, I will be trying to give you all more chapters and possibly a new OG book as well as new fan fiction. 

Now I would like to say thank you to my many readers who have stuck with me and this dreadful story. I know that there are MANY mistakes and that this story is not perfect but you guys all make me keep going and I love you all for that. So thank you and I hope you will stick with me for this next year. I am so excited. This year has been an absolute rollercoaster for me. From quitting my retail job and started my new job being a wire technician. I started and terminated my dating apps. I found some confidence in myself and who I am. I have finally embraced everything dark inside of me and now I am looking forward to what comes next. Will I find someone new? Will I finally finish this story and start a new one? What will I accomplish next? I am so excited and terrified to find out. 

Happy New Years my dear readers, I can't wait to see your comments this upcoming year. 


The Wonderland Hacker

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