Chapter Ten: Goodbye

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At that moment, I could feel everything. Once my brother was fully standing, he walked over to me and helped me stand up. I looked down and saw that my thigh had something on it. It was a tattoo of a raven under a crescent moon. I have never had that before but I didn't dwell on it. Red walked over to the portal door, and as he did, he looked over at Liz. I could feel a little bit of her soul still lingering. I closed my eyes and tried to sense my father. He was here somewhere but my mind was too fuzzy to focus. I opened my eyes and watched as my brother unlocked the first part of the ancient lock. When he did, a beam of light struck the moon and opened a portal. "They have awoken" I announced as we stared up at where the moon once was. "They are coming." I looked back at my brother as he removed his arm from the lock even though he looked like he was in pain. "Brother" He shook his head.

"Open the final lock" Rasputin ordered my brother.

As he went to unlock the final one, John yelled "Remember who you are" Causing me and Red to freeze and look at him.

When he saw us facing him, he threw my father's rosary to my brother. Red held it in his hand in front of me before letting it go and the only thing left was a cross burn mark in his hand. I felt a hot tear go down my face "Daddy" I whispered as I crotched down and picked up the fallen necklace. When I picked it up, I could hear my skin sizzling from contact but I didn't care.


I clutched onto the wooden necklace as John told us "You have a choice, your father gave you both that"

"NO YOU DON'T" Rasputin yelled at us more. I slammed the cross onto the mark on my thigh, crying out in pain as Red grabbed his horns and broke them off. "NO" the ancient man yelled. "What have you done?"

I stood up, glaring at him before red and I both used one of his horns to stab the bald man in the gut. "We chose," We said in sync before yanking the horns out of the man and dropping them. As Red walked over to Liz's body, I collapsed into John's arms. "I got you" he whispered holding me into his chest. I smiled at him as he carried me alongside Red.

" You two will fulfill your destinies. You will never understand the power inside of yourselves." Rasputin gasped out.

"I can live with that/I'll just find a way to live with that," My brother and I say at the same time.

As we walked away, Red stepped on something that made a loud crunch causing him to look down to reveal a glass eye. "Children, look at what you have done. You've killed me, an insignificant man but brought forth a god" He choked out before some sort of being ripped itself out of him like a creature in Alien.

"Myers, let's go," Red told the man holding me before they both walked out carrying me and Liz.

The boys ran down a hallway until they suddenly stopped. I patted John's shoulder to tell him to let me down. Once my feet were on the ground, I leaned against the stone hallway as John spoke "I took a grenade belt." I nodded exhausted "And now the damn thing's broken."

Red was quiet as he gently stroked Liz's face. "Keep them safe, will you?"

"Them?" I asked confused.

He nodded. "Yes, you are staying here with Myers and Liz. You're too tired."

I got up in defiance. "I am also your sister. Whether you like it or not, I'm fighting that thing."

He looked up at me and just chuckled. "So damn stubborn." He got up and patted my shoulder. "Alright, let's go fight this." He looked over to John "Whatever happens, don't leave her alone."

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