Chapter Seven: F.A & F.O

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The next few days were a blur. We had Father's funeral even though Red couldn't join in the burial. Liz and John had to keep me calm during the service and Liz held me when they put the coffin in the hearse to be taken to the cemetery. A few days later, the agency and my father's lawyer came to read us his will. I was named heir of his estate while Red and Abe gained a fourth of his fortune plus a few smaller things Abe got most of my father's book collection and he left Red his rosary that he always carried with him and a few other things. Manning was pissed when he found out that I am now the person he has to answer to when it came to Liz, Red, Abe, and myself. I guess Father thought I was the best person for the job because I have gone toe toe-to-toe with Manning more than once. After the funeral, I found my father's medical records that came with his X-rays and MRIs. When I saw how terminal he was, it was like living his death over again.

"Rae?" Red's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I quickly wiped my face of any tears that I might have had on my face. "What do you have there" He asked as he walked up to me. I just stayed silent and handed him the file. As he looked through it, I could tell he had a lot of questions, so I took a seat and watched as so many emotions passed over his face. Anger, confusion, sorrow, and heartbreak were just a few. "Did you know he was sick?"

I sighed. "Yes, and so did Abe and Myers."

At first, he was quiet, and then suddenly he punched a metal wall. "WHY DIDN'T ANY OF YOU TELL ME?!" He yelled at me causing me to flinch.

I closed my eyes to recollect myself before answering. "Father made me promise not to tell you. The same with Abe. I don't know if Myers was sworn in under that promise, so I cannot speak for him" I hated how I answered but I knew that if I didn't sound like father, I would just break.


I finally had enough of him yelling at me, so I yelled back. "YOU THINK I WANTED TO HIDE IT FROM YOU?" He stared at me with wide eyes as I continued. "SO MUCH WAS HAPPENING RED, FIRST IT WAS THE MUSEUM AND THEN IT WAS THIS RASPUTINE GUY, THEN CLAY AND ABE WERE ATTACKED, NOT TO MENTION LIZ AND HER MYSTERIOUS OUTBURST. THERE WAS SO MUCH GOING ON HELLBOY" Red was shocked to hear his birthname coming from my mouth since I rarely called him that because it was always a mouthful to say. Once I had calmed down a bit, I continued. "There were so many things happening and then... then father was murdered. You saw how that broke me and you think I wanted to bring up the fact we could have had a little more time with him if he wasn't murdered only for him to die slowly from the cancer? Do you think I wanted to become the head of this family? I just want my father back, Red. I just want all of us to go back to when we were kids on an army base watching Howdy Doody" I wiped my face of the years that were going down my face before continuing. "But you know as well as I that we can't. All we can do now is get the bastard who killed our father and hopefully live up to the expectations he had for us." With that, I walked out of the room and headed up to my greenhouse to calm down.

I was in there until Manning sent an agent to get me for a briefing. I had changed into a more professional look for the meeting, a long-sleeve, form-fitting, turtle neck dress that was knee length, black ankle boots and my hair was held up by a pair of metal hair stakes. "What is this meeting about, Manning?" I asked walking into the meeting room and when the agents and Manning noticed my presence, they all shot out of their chairs in attention.

"We are discussing the clues we found pertaining to Professor Broom's death." He said while giving me a slight glare.

I nodded and sat down at the head of the table to show that I was now the one holding the cards. "Ok, let's get this started." I gestured for everyone to sit down.

Manning grabbed his clipboard and remote before beginning the briefing. "When we went over the crime scene, we found a couple of pieces of paper that we believe were left for us. So, Volokolamsk Fields, 50 miles from Moscow. That is where we are going." He showed the location on the monitor before continuing "Sebastian Plackba, Number 16. It's the only clue we found." he held up his glasses before looking at his clipboard. "Now we have recovered and destroyed thousands of eggs but we have no trace of this Sammael or this Rasputine character." He dropped his clipboard on the table as he continued "We leave as soon as we have clearance and equipment. Also, Hellboy is coming and I'm not happy about that"

I finally had enough of him acting like he had control over my brother or any member of my family, so I spoke up interrupting him. "Obviously, Manning." The agents around me could feel the tension between Manning and me. "And as far as I am aware, you have yet to converse with me personally about this before this little briefing here." I narrowed my eyes at the man. "You may help run this agency due to... my father's passing but do not forget who holds your most valuable assets." I tapped my chest to emphasize my point. "I do. Now I will allow this today because I agree we need to handle this quickly because of what Rasputine might have planned and for what he did." I stood up and leaned forward. "Also if you had read up on your history and consulted me or Abraham before this meeting you would know that you have killed many of Sammel's beings but he is known to be the Hound of Ressurection. Also, Rasputin isn't just a name for people. He is THE same Rasputin who deceived the Romanovs back in the early 1900's. So be prepared for anything and everything."

The agents nodded while Manning looked like he wished I was on fire "Well we either wrap this up or I am shutting this freak show for good."

I straight up laughed. "You know as well as I that you do not have that authority. This agency has been running for 60 years and in those 60 years, My father and I have kept a good solid relationship with the white house. I have been at this longer than you have Manning and you better start realizing it before you are demoted to a cleaning agent. Do I make myself clear?" I gritted out. He glared but nodded nonetheless. "Good" I quipped with a sicking sweet smile. "Now is there anything else you wish to discuss?" I asked not looking for an answer. "No? Good, we're dismissed. Everyone get ready. I hear it's quite cold in Mother Russia." I grabbed the notes I took down and walked out of the room with my head held high.

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters

Another chapter is done and Manning got put in his place. I hope this chapter wasn't a letdown and that you will leave a comment for me to read. I hope you have a great day. 


The Wonderland Hacker

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