Chapter Nine: Walk down memory lane

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Nuada's POV

As my mate fell into my arms, I couldn't help but to study her features. She was a vision. She has big eyes and high cheek bones and plump lips. I thought back to earlier about how delicious they were against mine. I recall the faint taste of cherry and coffee bean on them. I hated that I had to let her go but I knew that she wasn't going to be far from me. I quickly took away from the carnage that I started with the red one and laid her down in my hidden room. I held her body to mine as she slept. While she was asleep, I noticed that she was shaking, not from the cold but from fear. "What is going on in your mind, my love?" I questioned. I looked down at her hand and decided to have a look myself. Thankfully the ability didn't just live within my sister but with me as well. I took my mate's hand in mine, and I was sucked into her mind.

*In Raven's mind*

I opened my eyes to find myself somewhere different. It was a library that held a giant fish tank and many statues in it. I looked around and saw a small girl reading on a chair. I walked over and realized that it was my mate. She was so small and had no purple in her hair, but it was her. She was reading a book I recognized, It was the story of my people war against man. "You know of my people" I whispered even though she couldn't hear me. I looked up at her face and noticed tears in her eyes. Before I could study more, I hear doors opening causing me to look behind me to see the red demon just younger and a older human male.

My mate looked up at the older man who gave her a soft and warm smile "I see you found the book of Bethmoora." The old man stated as he crouched down. "Why are you crying, my dear?"

"Why did man lie?" my little mate asked. "Why did they break their promise?"

The elder human sighed before placing a hand on her head in comforting manner. "War is bred into men. Some can overcome it, other's fall to it."

My mate seemed even more confused "But you found us during war, father."

The man smiled at her and brought her into a tight hug along with the red one. "And you have brought peace to my heart, but my war is not over." He held them close and whispered, "like the elves who fought for the forest, I fight so you two can be at peace for as long as possible."

The memory began to fade out and recreate a different scene. It was still the library, but my mate was older now. She was behind a desk with the man from earlier who seemed to have grown quite old. "Dad, you need to rest. I can handle things for a little while" My mate tells the man.

The old man chuckled at her "I know you can, my dear, but I still have much to do" He patted the hand she had on the man's shoulder. "Now tell me about your training. I imagine that it is going splendidly."

She sighed before leaning against the man's desk. "If you count almost hitting Manning with magic then yes it was wonderfully" The man chuckled and my mate nudged the man. "It's not funny, dad. I could have really hurt him."

"My dear, there isn't an evil bone in your body. I doubt you would have hurt him." The man smiled at my mate with love and adoration.

Before I could come closer to them, the scene around me changed. I was still in the library but there were so many men around, flashing cameras, it was chaos. I see my mate rushing into the room, frantically looking around. Who was she looking for? When the red one came in and walked towards a area where there was a balding human talking to a younger male, my mate ran forward pushing everyone out of the way with tears in her eyes yelling "DADDY" I followed her to see the body of the man who has been her father, being placed on the floor by the demon. She ran to the other side of her father's body before holding his head gently in her hands. I watched as reality and denial settled on her face. She screamed and let out a burst of dark magic all around her that I could feel its effect on myself. "Daddy, wake up" she begged with a broken smile on her face. She rubbed his cheeks trying to awake the man, but nothing could do so. "Come on daddy. It's not time to go to sleep" she kept begging with more tears flowing down her face. I walked up to her and caressed her face. "It's not time to go to sleep daddy. You have to wake up" With those words, the world around us fades out but she is still in the middle of the floor holding her father. I pulled myself out of her mind trying to settle the emotions I was feeling after seeing her like that. So broken.


Once I had come out of her mind, I stared down at her as tears continue to fall on her sleeping face. "My darling mate. You have suffered due to man as well." I brought her body to my chest and placed a kiss on her head. "Once I awaken the army, no man shall make you suffer again."

~Hello my little rabbits and mad hatters. 

Sorry that this chapter was short but it was also an emtional filler chapter. I hope that you enjoyed it and I will try and get the next chapter out as soon as I can. 


The Wonderland Hacker

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