Chapter Seven: A mysterious man and the elf princess

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As we continued to search the market I decided to speak up "You know, even though we both have issues with Germans and Nazis before, I don't want you to call Johann a Nazi anymore."

"Is this you asking me as my sister or telling me as my boss?" Red sighed.

"Both" I grabbed his arm and made him stop. "You know as well as I that Father taught us about forgiveness and to never judge one person based on another's actions. I understand that you don't like him but no more Nazi talk. If nothing else just do it for me."

He looked at me with a pensive face before sighing and bowing his head. "Ok, I will stop calling him a Nazi." He placed a kiss on my forehead and sighed "But I reserve the right to call him other names."

I chuckled and nodded "Ok, I wouldn't expect any less" He laughed with me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and we continued walking. 

*Time Skip*

After a while, Red and I got separated in the crowd and I couldn't help but feel like someone was following me. I kept looking over my shoulder as I walked around. Once while I was looking behind me, a husky voice whispered in my ear "Found you" I turned my head so fast that I think I got whiplash but that didn't matter because when I did, my eyes were met with a pair of molten gold eyes contrasting against his paper white skin. Before I could say anything, he placed a long finger against my lips to quiet me. I was stunned by this man's action but kept quiet. He gave me a knee-weakening smirk as he moved his hand to cup my face gently. "My beautiful little mate." He wrapped his other arm around my waist and brought my body to his. "You should be more careful, little one." I couldn't help but blush at his words.

"Who are you?" I finally asked looking into his eyes. 

"I am your mate, and you are mine." I shook my head. 

"I mean what is your name?"He said nothing, just smiled before removing his hand from my face and using it to bring my left hand to his lips. He placed a kiss on it while looking me in the eye. I felt so much heat from his stare that my body seemed to be on fire. 

Before I could ask for an answer, the familiar sound of Abe speaking through the earpiece pulled my focus away from the man before me. "Brother Red, little witch, do you read me?" 

Before I could respond to Abe, the man pulled my body against his, and placed a hand around my mouth, preventing me from responding. "Keep quiet, little one." He commands me. I nodded my head in a yes motion. Once he saw that I wasn't going to speak, he moved his hand from my mouth to my neck. "I wish I could take you from here and have my way with you in positions you have never experienced before but your... friends seem to need you for something" He then placed a breathtaking and mind-searing kiss on my lips, making my mind go foggy and my knees to go weak. As he kissed me, I could faintly feel something cold being placed around my neck, but I was too far gone to say anything and just enjoyed the kiss. Ever since John, I haven't felt anything even close to what I am feeling right now. When he pulled away from the kiss, I started to pant heavily and I wanted to say something, but he leaned forward and then whispered into my ear in a seductive voice. "I will find you again, little one. No matter where you are, I will find you and we will be together for all of time." And with those words still lingering in the air, he vanished, leaving nothing but a cold feeling on my neck and the smell of a forest after the rain. I placed my hand on my neck to feel the coldness of metal against it. He put a necklace on me. I didn't put more thought into it when I suddenly heard gunfire. I knew it was Red and that usually means he's either pissed someone off or Abe was in danger or worse, BOTH.

 When I arrived, I found my brother fighting an orc of some sort with a metal hand. "Red what did you do?" I yelled out, catching his attention.

He turned to me "ME? WHY DO YOU ASSUME I STARTED THIS?!" I said nothing and just gave him 'the look'. He sighed and nodded "OK I UNDERSTAND WHY BUT I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH PISSING HIM OFF THIS TIME, I AM JUST ENDING THE FIGHT"

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